Total Care Dental Wants to Tell You About Their Whole-Foods Experience!
Dr. Jorgenson has been trying to figure out how to blog here. (I don’t know how. Sometimes readers do.)
She says that her whole office is having so many fascinating reactions and benefits and comments about their whole-foods journey (on GreenSmoothieGirl Makeover) that they really need to be writing it down and sharing!
So, I’m starting this blog entry and they can reply. Enjoy!
Posted in: 12 Steps To Whole Food, Green Smoothies, Healthy Weight, Whole Food
The Good, the Bad and the UGLY… The thing that’s most fun for all of us during this Green Smoothie Makeover ride has been sharing our experiences with each other. We celebrate with each other, and sympathize too! So we thought we’d share the ride with you too.
Let’s get the UGLY out of the way at the beginning. There has been a gas epidemic at the office, and it’s not laughing gas… Apparently all of our systems are getting used to roughage! Hopefully this phase passes quickly (pun intended!)
On to the Good. We’ve been making green smoothies at the office every day. I think some of us are getting addicted, and at times it’s scary! Some people get the shakes waiting for their hit of green in the morning, and the smoothies are a very hot commodity. If you aren’t in the break room when it’s made, too bad. By Thursday, we’re running out of produce, so anything that’s left in the fridge get’s thrown in. You drink those smoothies at your own risk. We’ve had warts fall off (mine), running records broken (Jilene), push up contests at work (check out our Facebook for the video), and energy like never before. I told them they were like a bunch of ping pong balls in a tiny room – bouncing all over the place. You can’t help but get hit by it sometimes!
And last, and very least is the Bad. Some are breaking out, most of us are feeling a little bloated, and two of us (Julie and I) are gaining weight. That’s not on the plan!! We’re hitting the water, picking up the exercise, and considering doing the green smoothie cleanse.
This process has been a little overwhelming, and as busy working moms, we’ve had to figure out how to fit it into our lives. It’s working, and we want to share some of our ideas with you and hope you’ll share in return. You can check out more details of our journey on our blog at Here’s to green smoothies!!
I think the BEST thing that has happened since drinking green smoothies has been my Husband’s willingness to do it!!! Seriously you may laugh but this man would never pick up a vegetable or even a fruit (I tried threats, reminded him hes not getting any younger, even tried bribing haha) He now asks me every night, hey are you going to make more green smoothies? We have found that we like to make them at night to have that night and following morning. It seriously has been a miracle! He said he swears his pain in his shoulder goes down when he drinks them. Besides the miracle of a “no green, no any color foods” man now craving them all day, I also have found myself waking up WITHOUT the thought of “I cant wait till I can go back to bed tonight”. I also found my friends saying “I wish I had your energy”… naturally I have shared this with them and they are trying it. Not only are my close friends trying it but even my husband’s coworkers are calling me asking me all about it–this isnt just a thing for women my friends. THanks Robyn!! This is helping a lot of people!
Sasha…..I’ve been waiting for the story of how your husband would react…..I’m so excited!
Anyone reading this….he’s only 30!
Robyn I’m so excited that you decided to share this with Total Care Dental! This Green Smoothie ride is just what my family needed! We have a long list of medical issues from autioimmune disorders to high blood pressure and high cholesterol. We have been riding the junk food diet way too long and it had really caught up to us. Green Smoothies have inspired a new way of thinking! We no longer drink soda and we crave our smoothies! I can feel such a huge difference in my body. My ankles aren’t swollen like they used to be at the end of a work day and my body has so much more energy! I can’t wait to see how awesome I feel after more time in the healthy environment at Total Care Dental. It’s great to walk through this transformation together, cheering each other on! I love it! I know I wouldn’t have taken this step on my own. My co-workers are awesome and they encourage me everyday! Thank you for sharing your abundance of wisdom with us Robyn!
My family and I are doing this challenge as well. Our fridge, pantry and cupboards are almost completely converted to just whole foods. It has been 22 days, I myself have been consuming close to 2 quarts a day! We have tried several snack and meal recipes from the 12 steps program and we all agree they are really good! Almond Joy Fudge my new favorite fix cures chocolate & sweets cravings with a very small piece…
My man is even drinking smoothies at work in front of all the guys! (Masonry mind you) they are getting more & more curious what the pink or green stuff is, veggie flax crackers and almonds at break LOL pretty soon they will be wanting him to share 🙂 My 12 year old sugar junkie daughter is keeping an open mind and is willing to try just about anything I crank out of my Blendtec/GSG experiment! What’s even better? They are now requesting things we’ve tried and liked YAY!
I too have experienced detox symptoms – face breaking out, a little flu like and no weight lost yet. I can tell my body is purging poisons yet acclimating nicely. Now I crave more of the good stuff! We are in for the long haul…..
I’ve enjoyed your seminars at Good Earth, it’s nice to taste your recipes to see if we are doing it right – so far so good! Oh I cant wait for Utah to warm up so I can get on my garden this will make it even cheaper (chapt 5) I also found live Goji Berry plants for sale in Logan. Don @ Phoenix Tears Nursery awesome guy know his Goji’s! Who knew they grow abundantly here in Utah making it even less expense for great nutrition and using the leaves/stems/roots as vegetables or to make yummy tea! Wow too cool.
We’ll have to submit our experiment notes & video’s after 90 days. With my own very serious health issues on the table I have a feeling were in for some very big improvements!
Thanks Robyn for providing such a wealth of information and great recipes. This conversion is easier and cheaper than most people think!
Venessa – Green Smoothie Girl convert!
Thank you Robyn for making Total Care Dental a part of your green smoothie experience. Not only do I feel better and have more energy but I find the walls of our break room now have have green and purple/ brown spots on them. I have been meaning to ask, for the benefit of the team, for another demonstration on how to properly use the blender. Still hoping all this green stuff will stimulate my hair follicles in certain areas. If there is a special hair recipe out there I would love to know what that would be. Thanks for the insights and knowledge.
♥ Well to start off this whole green smoothie thing is a complete new world for me. I was raised eating meat, potatoes and casserole, Veggies HA what are those? “I am a MEAT and Potato Girl through and through.” Well so I thought until my eyes were opened to the Green Smoothie concept and the whole foods world! I have been amazed at the amount of great food out there that is actually great for you and tastes good, who knew! I Feel amazing and so does my family! My little girl would never eat anything let alone veggies until I brought green smoothie into her little world now she loves her yummy Dora juice and is no longer iron and vitamin deficient she is getting everything she has been lacking and loves it in her Dora cup crazy I know but it works =)
I feel and look amazing not to mention ENERGY HELLO! I have yet converted my hubby to the green but he loves all of Robyn’s whole foods recipes thus far that I have made and is eating healthy and not even knowing it which is our little secret shhhhh and that is the best part! Thanks for changing our lives and our hearts literally! I look forward to a better future thanks to you Robyn! Green smoothie Cheers to you and many more LUV YA!!!!!!!
♥ Jessa ♥
I am so amazed with how great I have been feeling since starting Green Smoothies! I can honestly say that I have not eaten as many vegtables/fruit in my entire life as I have in the last month and I can really tell the difference. The energy level at the office (Total Care Dental) has definatly gone up a notch, and you better be quick when you hear the blender start up because it is gone in the blink of an eye!!
I had my gallbladder removed about 3 years ago and I have had a constant pain under my right rib ever since. About a week after starting the Green Smoothies the pain was pretty much gone!! I have a ton more energy, and just feel better in general, which is great when it comes to keeping up with my 3 daughters. My cravings for non-green items have greatly reduced, and I have tried several recipes from Robyn’s 12-step whole foods book and have loved them all. At first I did experience some skin issues (which thankfully cleared up quickly) and nausea but I know that it was just my body detoxing from the years of garbage that I have put into it. This has been a very positive lifestyle change that I am so thankful for:)
I was introduced to “green smoothies” the week that I started working for Total Care Dental !! I’ve always been interested in health and nutrition, but never found a way to make a change for the better that was so easy and delicious. After watching Robyn make the smoothies and then getting a Blend Tec blender the same week for my birthday, I started my journey..It’s only been two weeks, but I am seeing positive changes already.
My husband and daughter started the whole foods lifestyle with me and have also noticed some changes. My husband has already lost weight and as a family, we have quit drinking soda pop and eating ice cream. We also went through our pantry and made note of how many things we were eating that contained MSG. We were so surprised! Robyn’s 12 steps book has opened our eyes and made us really think about what we have been putting in our bodies. We now drink two green smoothies a day and eat at least one big salad. I have always had digestive problems and now feel so much better. I have more energy and have even started taking walks after work instead of sitting on the computer or watching TV. Eating right has now become my “new hobby”. I know that I will never go back to eating the way that I used to and only wish that I could have started this years ago. I love sharing my new knowledge with anyone that will listen. Next month I’m even teaching a class at church on “green smoothies”…..who knew? Thanks Robyn for changing my life!
It’s been up and down here at our house. All six of us were great for 10 days. Then the “newness” of it went away. My 15 yr old daughter that loves and plays music sang her goodbye song to green smoothies (for now). My 12 year old daughter that plays competitive soccer makes it a goal to have 2 green smoothies a week. My 9 year old jumping jolly full of joy jumped off the green smoothie band wagon. He will occasionally juggle green smoothies, cookies, pizza and ice cream. As for my almost 17 year old competitive athlete, he will ask for a green smoothie if there isn’t one made. My husband and I will drink a quart a day. My husband has noticed that he still craves sweets. When he eats the sweets, he can only eat a little (which kinda bums him out).
I have noticed that I recover from running more efficiently. We sometimes run a mt called Suncrest that has 1440 feet of elevation in 5 miles (thank you Garmin-I can tell you average speed, heart rate, etc). Then we get to turn around and come down. Yes that is 10 miles total before work. My stomach didn’t enjoy itself for about 3 hours after the run. However since I have been doing green smoothies and drinking the Hot Pink drink, it now only takes me about an hour to recover.
I love having green smoothies at work. We are working together to help one another make a life change. We are able to get great produce from Good Earth–Thank you Good Earth. When we can’t make a green smoothie someone will make a quick run to Roxberry for a “green fix”–Thank you Roxberry!! It has been a great learning experience so far. I have been learning some tricks on what makes a nasty green smoothie.(For those of you that don’t know Robyn and I are having a competition on who can make the nastiest tasting green smoothie) So if you want to help the underdog win, email me your ideas Thank you green smoothie girl for moving my family up a notch in health.
Running to Suncrest? REALLY? Are you insane? You are NOT the underdog, my friend.
I have been referred to as the Energizer Bunny pretty much all of my life! I have always been a goer and a doer! Now being a single mom, working at Total Care Dental (love love my job…had to throw that in) and running my own business…well..One can’t have enough energy. Its always came easy for me to “keep up” but in the past couple of years I had found myself “slowing” down… feeling worn out! I found myself resorting to unhealthy resources to keep up with my daily demands. Chia tea, coffee, and crystal light energy packets were becoming my vices to forced energy. My car would turn into Beany’s all by itself it was such a routine..good grief!! So when Dr. Jorgensen said she had heard about green smoothies and all of the benefits of drinking them I got excited. Then I read Robyn’s story and really got excited! Then we won the Blend Tech, started making them every day in our office and began seeing results, I not only was excited, I became a believer!
So having said that, now that I drink green smoothies and I am implementing more whole foods into my life, I truly have natural energy! I need less sleep, I rarely get tired until I actually lay down to go to bed, and the mid afternoon slump I would go through from coming off of my caffeine high is no longer!! I honestly feel so much more clear minded and energized!
My only downer on the Green Smoothie Diet is my kids! They are not fans of the green smoothie drink no matter how much I try to make it yummy AND not green! Green in color that is 🙂 Not sure how we are going to overcome this rebellious/defiant attitude but I know I will keep plugging away because the green smoothies are just too good for our health to not drink them! I’m glad I have Robyn and all of her great ideas to assist me in this change of lifestyle. Bring it on!!!
Robyn…I KNOW RIGHT?!! Soo excited!! ANd…. it is funny that even at 30, in order for him to drink the green smoothie he requires a straw in a colored cup, and it to be extra thick like a “real unhealthy smoothie” … no lie!! It reminds me of Jessa’s comment of her daughter drinking the green smoothie in a fancy dora cup..maybe ill have to get him a superman cup…might make him feel even braver …. That will be our secret here. He wont ever see this right?? hahaha 😉
That’s hilarious Sasha! I might have to get that on film…..
I saw the light. FINALLY! It has been baby steps for the last few weeks. I have made it a lot harder on myself than it really was. Why do I do this? I found myself floating through Good Earth not knowing what I was purchasing. I did this a few times when I bumped into Jilene there, feeling the same way. Having you take us to the store and point out your favorite items and the staples was of tremendous help. I am a pro now. I can buzz in and out of the store with ease and confidence now. The recipes are truly easy and tasty. Dr. Jorgensen has been our fearless leader. She has been bringing in great dishes and meal plans. She is quite amazing!
My whole goal was to have raving fans with my kids, begging and pleading for Green Smoothies every morning while bowing to my existence for introducing this into their lives. Ummm ya, about that. Not so lucky, as of yet!!!! My daughter is using children’s health for her platform and believes she will teach children about the health benefits of eating good and working out. She can’t seem to get over the green and the thought of drinking her salad. But, we are closer than we have ever been. I believe that I see the hesitation when they say they feel sick or they have no energy, need to study and focus for school, or play an amazing game, or recuperate after a game. I say with an eager tone of voice and Jester the Cat smile, “I can make you a Green Smoothie?” They no longer shoot me down and even hover around me while I make my own. They are weakening. I hope to have better news next time.
Thanks for all of your help and enthusiasm, Robyn. I love spreading the knowledge of what I have learned to family and friends and hope they get as excited as I am and I want them to feel as great as I do too.
I can arrange that… 🙂
After a year of continual struggles trying to lower my cholesterol with various diets and exercise only to see the numbers skyrocketing northward, I was frustrated and lost. I tried medications but the side effects were damaging. Like a breath of fresh air, Dr Jorgensen introduced us to the power of green smoothies (thank you Michelle). Next thing I know, its lights, camera, action. We were entering a contest, and… We WON!!!!!. Ever since it has been a shopping frenzy. I can’t keep up with all the greens we go through at my house and there is only 2 of us. Move over Popeye!!!!
Besides desperately wanting to lower my cholesterol number, I wanted to loose 10 pounds. What a surprise to find myself bloated, gassy and to have gained 4 pounds, and ohhhh diahrea at times to boot.(I think my body has gone into shock). WHAT HAPPENED?? I am sticking with it though because I FEEL FABULOUS. More energy than I have had in years.
I love to hike and I time myself on one of my regular weekly trails. I have a best time that is usually set in Aug or Sept that I constantly try to beat. Its winter and can’t hike much yet, but already I have beat my best time by 1 minute. Thats the power of green.
I am excited to be retested in May and get my new lower cholesterol number.
My husband drinks green smoothies with me but he has an 8 ounce limit. And should I go over the 8 ounce line, he is sure to tell me about it. He is however promoting green smoothie fever at his work. No one has caught on yet but there is still hope.
Thank you Robin for sharing your knowledge and providing an avenue to help us be heathier. Here’s to our best health. All of us!
HELLO??? Robyn what do people call you–Green Smoothie Girl– I am competing Green Smoothie Girl in a Green Smoothie contest… Need I say more
People help me.. Send me something to gross out Green Smoothie Girl:)