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Our beautiful template for infinite variety of greens and superfoods in your smoothies—print this and eliminate the need for recipes! Get it now for free!


I was on a quest to save my son’s life.

It was 2001, and my life was at a stand-still.

My little boy had been diagnosed with severe asthma and “Failure to Thrive.” He was below the fifth percentile for weight and in a revolving door of desperate pediatric visits and hospitalizations, on growth-stunting steroids, antibiotics, and bronchodilators--and the pediatric and E.R. doctors couldn’t seem to help him.

I knew there had to be a way for my son and me to live healthy, happy, fully functional lives – but as I sat in the pediatrician’s office, being told again that all they had to offer was drugs, and more drugs…I realized it was up to me to find the solution.

What did I have to lose?

The short answer is: about 70 pounds and 21 disease diagnoses of my own. But what I gained is the real story:

My son and I got our lives back. No more panic attacks. No more emergency room visits. No more dangerous prescription cocktails. No more antibiotics.

Robyn, 70 pounds and 21 diseases ago! Robyn today!

We gained an incredible abundance of energy and good health.

My son emerged from illness and I left obesity and many diagnoses and drugs behind, by shifting to a whole-foods, mostly plant-based diet.

Now I’m on a mission to educate and empower families all over the world to be healthier and happier, despite living in an increasingly toxic world.

Changing the world, one green smoothie at a time.


I’m Robyn Openshaw, the original Green Smoothie Girl.

I launched in 2007, to share my experiences with the world and help others feel and look younger and healthier than ever before.

Over the last decade, my team and I have turned “green smoothie” into a household word and helped people all over the world reclaim their health through delicious recipes, a podcast series that accesses the knowledge of the world’s leading experts in functional medicine and holistic health, online courses on everything from hormone balancing to detoxification, and a blog dedicated to nutrition and wellness.

Live the life you’ve always wanted – healthier and happier!

The concepts I teach on this site, blog, Facebook page, and podcast literally saved my life and my son’s life. These concepts, recipes, and detox program eliminated my infertility as well as all my 21 diagnosed diseases, symptoms, and drugs.

My dream has always been to create an army of folks feeling and looking younger and healthier than they ever dreamed possible. It’s not hard, and it doesn’t have to be expensive to eat right. No deprivation is required around here and no guilt trips, either. We just take a step at a time.

We offer radical ways to live in the high-vibration states of health, energy, gratitude, and joy. After you master some simple habits, the sky’s the limit. Prepare to raise your vibration!

To Your Health!

Robyn's signature

About Robyn

Robyn Openshaw, MSW, former psychotherapist, Brigham Young University faculty, and single mother of four, is the original “Green Smoothie Girl” and the driving force behind

She is an author of 15 books on health and wellness, including 2017’s #1 Amazon and USA Today bestseller, Vibe, and her all-time bestseller The Green Smoothies Diet (2009).

She is the author of the popular course 12 Steps to Whole Foods as well as the 26-Day Detox that she has guided over 16,000 people through since its launch in 2014. Many healthcare professionals and coaches worldwide prescribe to the GreenSmoothieGirl 26-Day Detox and 12 Steps to Whole Foods program to their patients.

Robyn is a sought-after speaker, and did a 6-year, 450-city international speaking tour.

She has been a featured expert in more than 20 online summits and a keynote speaker in health and personal growth events. She has also been featured in Forbes, Women’s First Health, Good Things Utah, Utah Valley Magazine and many other national and local media outlets.

In 2017, Robyn was voted the Go-Giver Award by her colleagues in the Mindshare community for her generosity of spirit in helping many of her wellness-influencer colleagues rise up and give back to the communities that follow them.

A more holistic-oriented approach.

Because of Robyn’s commitment to a holistic approach to addressing root causes with health issues rather than symptom management, she, her family, and Green Smoothie Girls (and Guys) around the world have been able to regain their energy and reclaim their health.

Our Mission

Our mission is to bring you information and inspiration that matters to your health and happiness. It’s our goal to help you:

  • Opt out of dieting and counting calories.
  • Find your optimal weight and health without obsessing about grams of proteins, fats, and carbs.
  • Learn what the most nutrient-dense foods are and then find ways to eat them, easily, deliciously, and inexpensively.
  • Outsmart food manufacturers and avoid toxic ingredients.
  • Decode how to have a strong immune system using powerful natural substances instead of drugs to help your body become strong and resilient.

Since our inception, over 10 million people have visited our site. offers real-world tips to help you improve your life by eating whole foods and finding better, non-toxic ways to live.

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