A Mind-Blowing Detox Vacation in Switzerland: Come with Me in 2025!

I thought 2024 would be my last trip to my “home away from home” at the incredible Swiss Mountain Clinic, where I’ve led 10 retreats over the years.
But guess what?
I’m going back to Switzerland in July 2025. And I’d love to invite you to come with me!
Amazingly, given that Switzerland is the most expensive country in the world, a stay there is less than at many far-inferior clinics, including some in Tijuana.
And of dramatically higher quality, for that lower price, than anywhere I’ve been.
Here’s all the information you need to know:
- Why come to Switzerland with me
- What can you expect at the Swiss Mountain Retreat?
- A mind-blowing new treatment
- What about vaccine passports?
- Treatments and pricing
- How to join in 2025
Why Come to Switzerland with Me?
Imagine waking up to the natural beauty of the Swiss Alps, being served beautiful, perfectly prepped meals to support you in a comprehensive detox program designed to renew your liver and gallbladder and clean up your blood, gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys – leaving you feeling renewed, refreshed, and fantastic.
I’ve loved going to the Swiss Mountain Clinic in Switzerland for a yearly liver detox since I discovered them during a research tour of 20 clinics worldwide in 2011.
Every year, we have people attend who’ve come with me before!
If you want to look good, CLEAN UP YOUR LIVER.
If you want to feel good, CLEAN UP YOUR LIVER.
What Can You Expect at the Swiss Mountain Retreat?
Some of the delicious, healthy, prepared-for-you food at the Swiss Mountain clinic.
You’ll be doing the GreenSmoothieGirl 26-Day Detox (a DIY program where you make your food) – the “easy way” and on a shorter timeline!
In our first week, we get 20 diagnostics, treatments, lodging, and meals on-site.
When I returned in 2024, I was delighted they were growing all their herbs, greens, and edible flowers on-site!
This retreat is not inexpensive, but it’s the least expensive one I found worldwide, as I have researched at 20 clinics worldwide. And it’s the most high-quality program I’ve ever seen. Nothing else even comes close.
Co-owner and Medical Director Dr. Petra Wiechel is the best doctor I’ve ever known. The doctors here are not your average functional medicine doctors who just run labs and prescribe pills.
They are deeply educated about what a good liver-detox preparation diet is, and a good liver flush, the lifestyle changes that lead to a healthy, disease-free life.
And they live what they preach – they walk the talk.
You can come for one week, but I hope you’ll try to go for two weeks. Because after the diagnostics and meeting with one of the doctors, your SECOND week will be tailored to your specific health needs.
Plus, there’s a discount for a second week. Remember, you have a day of flying on both ends. I’m telling you now, you won’t want to leave after the first week!
Everyone needs a good liver flush, as well as softening and eliminating the catarrhal mucoid plaque in the GI tract and accomplishing a parasite die-off.
In addition to the epic health program, we will also go on some hikes. After all, you’ll be in one of the most beautiful places in the world.
Even in winter, it has a temperate climate – not very hot or humid in the Alps. In July, little wild strawberries grow in many places we hike. Perfectly legal on the detox diet!
The R&R and hikes on your own or with the group may be one of your favorite things about Swiss Mountain Clinic.
Sit out on your room's balcony with the gorgeous view. Or hang out with us and chat on the 2nd floor, outside the dining room, where we often have great chats.
They’ll take us on one hike 15 minutes away, and you can hike for 45 minutes up to a little Italian village that has been there for hundreds of years.
Or, take the gondola up to walk around and see the village. We all take the gondola back down.
(Some of our hikers went past the village last July and found other little villages older than anything in North America!)
After your liver flush, we’ll enjoy a Gala Dinner evening, which is the only thing you’ll want to bring dressier clothes for.
It’s a live music concert and a four-course meal, a very European experience. You’ll also be taken down into nearby towns that tourists enjoy for shopping and sightseeing.
Professional chefs make all your beautifully plated food, so there’s no work involved in getting a fantastic comprehensive detox during your stay there.
You’ll stay in a room overlooking the gorgeous Calanca Valley. The treatments and meals are just a few steps away, using an elevator in the 7-story building.
You get a package of diagnostics, consultations with one of the four doctors who run the clinic, and many treatments and diagnostics for parasites, live blood analysis, heavy metal levels, mineral levels, heart rate variability, and much more.
Overall, you learn a lot about yourself!
In your free time, when you don’t have a treatment scheduled or a meal, you can take sauna sessions daily, get on the Bemer mat twice a day, and use the vibration plate.
They also have three great gyms in the building, which I use daily when I’m there.
Some of your treatments are excellent colon hydrotherapy sessions, liver hyperthermia, live blood analysis, and many other treatments that are too numerous to mention. Some of which are not available in North America.
A Mind-Blowing New Treatment in 2024
In 2024, we did TWO retreats!
People went bonkers over wanting to do the INUSpheresis filtration – which filters the blood of glyphosate (Roundup), plastics, heavy metals, solvents, spike proteins, and other aberrant proteins, as well as other toxins – and isn’t in use or available in North America.
One Hollywood sitcom writer, who was forced to get two jabs and was excited to get her blood filtered, came to BOTH retreats!
Given how healthy I eat, I couldn’t believe what came out of my blood. We all have toxic exposures, though, myself included. Starting with being born downwind of the last 9 months of radioactive detonations at the Nevada Test Site.
These petrochemical solvents (the smaller bag) came out of my body in a blood-filtering process in Switzerland.
(Thousands of people living with thyroid cancer won a class-action lawsuit later. I was a newborn baby drinking radioactive cow’s milk.) Among many other toxic exposures throughout my life.
I could not believe how much petroleum-based junk came out of me. I have three theories on my toxic exposures that caused this (weird for a person who eats organic and plant-based to have similar output to the average person)--
–and my FIRST theory about my toxic exposures is all the 10,000-ish supplements I’ve taken since my 20s. (Now that I’ve learned how solvents are involved in making the vast majority of them.)
[Related: Why I Won’t Take 99% of Supplements Anymore]
And, although I had a weird rash for three days afterward, as toxins had been flooding out, I flew home a week later, and ever since, I have felt AMAZING!
I just got rid of literally a QUART of what looks like gasoline, after all, out of my body with two INUSpheresis treatments. No wonder I feel amazing.
No North American facility offers this new treatment technology, but 10 European clinics do. It has become wildly popular, and Swiss Mountain Clinic is usually completely sold out now. So we had them set the rooms aside for us early, Starting July 13, 2025.
Since I left five years ago, the business has exploded due to the amazing results people get from investing in several of these machines and hiring more nurses.
I feel like a million bucks since doing INUSpheresis twice!
A few days later, when I’d flown back home, I realized how EXTRA great I felt. (At first, I got a minor rash for a couple of days, with all the toxins flooding out of me.)
What About Vaccine Passports?
WHO and the EU signed a contract in Feb 2023 to impose vaccine passports. Then, in Jan 2024, they announced they wouldn’t implement them until May 2025. Since then, not a word.
Public backlash against COVID vaccine mandates has been fierce all over the Western world. And with Europe in recession, they can’t afford tourism to take a hit.
Many predict that, with the failure of the Pandemic Treaty at the WHO annual conference, it will not happen in 2025.
The EU and WHO appear to have removed the articles they published announcing this in January 2024. I don’t see any statements saying they’ll try to execute WHO/EU mandates.
Five countries claim they will do it, but not Italy, which we fly into, or Switzerland.
So, let’s do this!
Information about Treatments and Pricing
These are the treatments you’ll receive as part of your first-week package:
Your doctor will prescribe a second personalized week at the end of your first week based on your diagnostics. I have negotiated a significant discount for your second week (see above).
If you stay for two weeks, you get a COMPLIMENTARY Oligoscan.
It tells you the levels of your minerals (which you need) and also heavy metals (which you don’t want in your body). It indicates whether you’re in the green, yellow, or red zone for each mineral and heavy metal.
If you come for one week, you can still get an Oligoscan for about $175.
1 week double room: $6,175
1 week single room: $6,925
2 weeks double room: $12,075
2 weeks single room: $13,125
INUSpherese blood-filtering treatment is available at a discounted rate, but I do not have that rate because the dollar has been sliding against the franc.
I expect it to be as high as $4,500 for the first and $4,000 for the second, but hopefully, the dollar will rise, making it cheaper.
How to Join Me in Switzerland in 2025?
You can read more and watch the video I made about the clinic and the retreat here.
It helps to be there with a native English-speaking leader of the retreat. (Yours truly.)
Here’s the page for exact prices and more details.
Plan on about $7K for one week and a bit less for a second week. This does not include INUSpheresis, which you can learn more about when you get to the clinic and decide to do it there.
When I went, I wasn’t sure I would do it. Then, after asking many questions, I saw at least six retreat attendees do it.
I found it easy and non-stressful. I sat there watching my blood be filtered right in front of my eyes for 2 ½ hours.
We aren’t sure about the price of INUSpheresis yet because the dollar has weakened significantly against the Swiss franc, but expect about $4,000. We hope the dollar will strengthen by the time we go, making your treatments cost less.
What is best for me is getting to know each of you. Please feel free to “pick my brain” while you’re there or schedule a one-on-one chat.
I will teach a class one evening each week. I ask for topics retreat attendees are interested in.
The food their chefs serve meets their rigorous standards for a highly productive liver flush … but you’ll be amazed at how delicious and beautiful your food is!
I hope to see you at the Malpensa Airport, MPX, in Milan, on Sunday, July 13, 2025, or the 20th.
You can choose a one or two-week stay.
But for the chronically ill who want concierge medicine, consider a three-week stay beyond our two weeks together.
Those considering a one- or two-week stay can book a call with Helen, who has worked for me for 10 years and has been to the clinic for the liver flush.
Contact the clinic directly (email: healthmanagement@swissmountainclinic.com) if you have a significant illness to address and are considering a three-week stay.
We collect a $1,000 transferable but non-refundable deposit because once the retreat is full, we cannot promote it later to fill your spot. Please book your retreat only if you’re serious about it.
We will have a personal chauffeur who will drive us for 90 minutes from the airport to the clinic and back. This service is complimentary as long as you arrive and leave on Sunday.
If you arrive at a different time, you’ll pay for a car the clinic will order.
For a discount, choose a double-occupancy room, or much better yet, bring a friend or spouse who would love Swiss Mountain Clinic.
If you don’t have one to bring, you can still choose double occupancy, and we’ll assign you a same-sex roommate.
You save money by choosing double occupancy. We’ve also negotiated a discount for your second week at the clinic. During this time, you’ll be given a protocol based on your diagnostics and what you tell the doctor in your consultations.
Please come for two weeks if you can. Remember, there’s a long flight at either end of your stay at the clinic.
On the flight to Milan, you’ll leave on Saturday to arrive on Sunday morning because you’ll have a 6- to 9-hour time change if you’re coming from North America.
You can join the Swiss Mountain Clinic Friends Facebook group to ask us questions. Most members have visited the clinic with me, so it’s a good resource.
If you have questions, look at the page and watch the video, then write Helen or book a call with her.
I hope to see you, hike outside, sit out on the patio overlooking the beautiful valley in the sunshine, and get to know you!
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Robyn Openshaw, MSW, is the bestselling author of The Green Smoothies Diet, 12 Steps to Whole Foods, and 2017’s #1 Amazon Bestseller and USA Today Bestseller, Vibe. Learn more about how to make the journey painless, from the nutrient-scarce Standard American Diet, to a whole-foods diet, in her free video masterclass 12 Steps to Whole Foods.
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that help support the GSG mission without costing you extra. I recommend only companies and products that I use myself.
Posted in: Detox, Health Concerns, Holistic Care, Natural Remedies, Preparedness, Preventive Care
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