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Read This If You Don’t Believe Big Pharma / Big Chemical Make Your Supplements

Robyn Openshaw - Jan 02, 2025 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Supplements facts

Do you believe that the pharma and chemical industries make your supplements?

One day, Google will get its AI to remove the stuff you can find now. I’m going to give you a few examples of what you can search for online to learn the truth.

Like they buried all holistic health content in favor of WebMD, Healthline, and other pro-pharma, pro-allopathic medicine websites.

In this article:

Easy Google Searches That Prove What’s Really in Supplements

For now, these Google searches will prove to you what I’ve been saying for a few years – that supplements are full of plastics, shellac, heavy metals, petroleum products, and solvents:

“Vitamin D”

Search: What chemical properties are used in the manufacture of cholecalciferol

Vitamin D facts

“Vitamin C”

Search: How is ascorbic acid made

Nicotine patches, gum, etc.

Search: How is nicotinic acid made

[Hint: if you think it’s made from tobacco, there’s none in any of it. It’s all synthetic.]

5-HTP (used in energy “supplements”)

Search: Chemical process of making 5-HTP

NAC (N Acetyl Cysteine)

Search: what chemicals are used making NAC

(Hint: before it was a “supplement,” it was and is a synthetic active chemical ingredient in many drugs)

Also search:

  • is NAC made in China for US companies
  • is NAC made from duck feathers or human hair


Search: chemical process to manufacture MSM

supplement facts

Questions to Ask Yourself About Supplements

Do you ever ask yourself why:

1 — A former chiropractor seems to be promoting synthetic nicotine products full-time.

2 — A naturopathic doctor seems to promote semaglutide drugs (like Ozempic and Wagovy) full-time. She never addresses the class action lawsuit of those whose adverse events are so bad that their lives are destroyed from paralysis of the gut of these agonist drugs. This ND is a tiny little person who does not use these drugs herself.

3 — Another naturopathic doctor pushes MSM / DMSO (and sells it with her label on it), saying it’s from wood and natural. She becomes enraged when her customers ask her how she allegedly makes it herself. (And writes lots of words, never answering, though.)

(How does the time these “alternative” docs spend NOT treating patients, but out on the podcast tour, monetize for them?

If our chiropractors and naturopathic doctors sell out to the pharma and chemical industries, who is left to help patients address the root cause?

When drugs do not address the root cause, they also sometimes go by “supplement” if they’re unregulated.

Unfortunately, office-visit revenue does not keep the lights on, with the staff, software, and facility expenses of our “alternative health” practitioners. The office visit is kept inexpensive to bring patients in the door. And the profit is made on the “back end.” With pills, pills, more pills, lab tests, and expensive procedures.

There are exceptions: small, not-fancy (low-rent), small chiropractic offices.

Addressing Your Top 2 Resistances to the Reality of Supplements

May I address your top two resistances:

1 — But a doctor or influencer I trust promotes it!

Response: They most likely don’t even know what you’ll find with those simple Google searches.

Once they’ve spent a year, or a decade, promoting it and have an income stream of thousands of dollars a month that pays their bills–

–they don’t and won’t learn what you can from those easy Google searches.

2 — But I took [one of those “supplements” above, or other supplements], and I felt something, so it must have helped me!

Response: Sometimes, we feel something that might not be a sign of healing. Worse, it could be a negative sign.

For instance, “vitamin B3” made from coal tar and other major toxins, makes people turn red, sweat a lot, and even throw up. That’s because they ingested poison. That’s not a healing process so much as the miraculous body trying to save its own life. This “supplement” is sold as a detoxifier.

Also: Sometimes we get better and give credit to whatever substance(s) we were taking. Your body has corrected course and healed itself from countless illnesses and injuries. We often get correlation mixed up with cause.

Also: Along with the chemicals used in often both the ingredients and the manufacturing of these products, it may contain one or two molecules of a much more complex compound or matrix the body needs from food, sun, etc. – which is virtually always dozens of molecules.

If the body can scavenge the rest from what is already in the body, sometimes a synthetic supplement can have a temporary positive effect.

Sometimes, we get these two things mixed up:

  1. How we get better (always, always, the body's immune functions – at best, assisted by a natural substance) often DESPITE the toxic substances we’re constantly exposed to.
  2. Cause versus correlation. Just because you’ve taken this pill when sick, and you haven’t died yet (or think you got better faster, but how would we know?)—

--consider that when you DIDN’T take those pills, other times you were sick, you ALSO didn’t die.

I’m just here for those who want to know.

Disregard and carry on for those who want to keep taking the pills.

My 40 adult years of experience and research leads me to believe detoxifying and shifting to a whole-foods, mostly plant-based, organic diet gives us what we need to re-balance and regain our health.


Read Next: Why I Won’t Take 99% of Supplements Anymore

Photograph of Robyn Openshaw, founder of Green Smoothie GirlRobyn Openshaw, MSW, is the bestselling author of The Green Smoothies Diet, 12 Steps to Whole Foods, and 2017’s #1 Amazon Bestseller and USA Today Bestseller, Vibe. Learn more about how to make the journey painless, from the nutrient-scarce Standard American Diet, to a whole-foods diet, in her free video masterclass 12 Steps to Whole Foods.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that help support the GSG mission without costing you extra. I recommend only companies and products that I use myself.


Posted in: Detox, Holistic Care, Natural Products, Preventive Care, Supplements

10 thoughts on “Read This If You Don’t Believe Big Pharma / Big Chemical Make Your Supplements”

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  1. Teressa Clenaghen says:

    What about Life Extension products?

    1. Sarah Greg says:


      If you would like Robyn to take a look at some other products you are welcome to send us some ingredient labels. There are so many products and manufacturers out there, it would be impossible to assess on every single one. If you want to list the name of the product, manufacturer and the ingredient list, I can send that along.

      You can email us at (mention you have also written us here, about researching.)
      I am happy to pass along to Robyn and see what she says.
      Thank you!

    2. Teri says:

      I use Life Extension as well!!

  2. Deborah says:

    Hello, I have been taking supplements for 40 years and I believe they have helped my nutritional deficiencies since I noticed my bloodwork levels on certain vitamins (D3) and I very rarely get sick. I only buy from the companies that are in the USA, like Vital Nutrients in Middletown, CT, Pure Encapsulations in Sudbury, MA,( I purchase my NAC from Pure Encapsulations) Pure Synergy in Moab, Utah, and Organix in Stateline, NV.. There are some that are questionable that I still wonder about like Garden of Life in Florida but all in all I believe these companies are reputable. I try to take the whole food form of vitamins as much as possible. I believe in vitamins since our food, even organic, has become unsafe. It's really impossible to know what is safe or unsafe these days. 🙁

    1. jacquie says:

      Garden of Life was bought out several years ago and I don't order from them any more. They may not offer the same quality as previously.

  3. Linda K says:

    I just want to say thank you for this information. I really appreciate it!!!

    1. Audrey C (GSG Support) says:

      So glad you found it helpful Linda!

  4. Teri says:

    I use Life Extension for my supplements. Are these bad as well?!!!

  5. Marina Doerksen says:

    When someone is trying to make a sale then how can I trust that what they say is true? Why would only Green Smoothy Girl have the right answers and the right products?

    1. Audrey C (GSG Support) says:

      Hi Marina,

      Robyn is simply educating people about what their supplements are made of, not giving medical advice, and what the meta studies (analysis of many studies) tells us about these various products’ lack of efficacy, the ones that have been out there for decades.

      Robyn always encourages you to be an engaged consumer and do your own research; be in conversation with the people who grow your food and make the supplements you take.

      In regards to the GSG supplements Robyn has chosen to offer: There is no chemistry involved. We formulate both PreZyme Pro and Ultimate Minerals and aren’t tapping into synthetic ingredients everyone else is. And, that’s why in 18 years we have only two!

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