Should You Buy Gold and Silver? What You Need to Know Now

I got myself free of the medical matrix decades ago. That’s probably how you and I met.
But 10 years ago, I also began to leave the financial matrix.
Those are two of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
I know they aren’t for everyone. Some people want government entities to tell them what to do. My trust in the government has been shattered, especially since 2020.
I’ve been studying how to protect my savings and investments – and how to educate you about how I 4x’ed my net worth when I took responsibility for my financial future.
What Happened to Gold and Silver?
After 40 years of working far more than full-time and seeing the world go bonkers in March 2020, it looked like the most financially responsible and compliant would be penalized.
Gold and silver have been used as money for 5,000 years. However, since 1974, they have not been taught in schools.
This was right about the time when France demanded the money the U.S. owed her in gold and sent a ship over for it.
Nixon also canceled the gold standard and backed the U.S. dollar, saying it was temporary. (But here we are, 52 years later. It wasn’t temporary.)
GenX and younger have no concept of “money” being anything but the pieces of paper the government issues. Since “money” in every country is no longer backed by anything.
(Switzerland was the last country to abandon the “gold standard” about 25 years ago.)
An interesting little group called the Sound Money Defense has been lobbying state legislatures for 10 years and has gotten 45 out of 50 states to abandon sales taxes on gold and silver.
They’ve also helped get 14 states to cancel capital gains tax when you sell your gold and silver.
Their goal is to move towards having gold and silver usable as money again.
Utah passed the Sound Money Bill in 2011 and recently passed a bill to invest $180M of the state’s money in physical gold. The intent is that this is their first tranche, and they’ll invest more as time goes on.
(Utah is famous for having a balanced state budget. As in, they’re not deep in debt. States have assets and balance sheets, and they want to protect theirs, just like you want to protect yours!)
The BRICS nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – are all buying gold as fast as possible. These sovereigns are the original countries in this trading bloc, and they are buying gold at higher rates than ever before.
But 59 other countries have applied to BRICS, and I’m sure many will be accepted this Fall.
They will roll out their version of a global reserve currency to compete with the US dollar. Since the U.S. weaponized the dollar, doing things like freezing billions of dollars in Russian assets.
The new BRICS currency will be backed by gold, plus a basket of the currencies of those various nations.
I haven’t read a word about the US government buying up gold. I often think of Washington, D.C., as this far-off land over which we have no control, and everything they do seems insane.
At a state and local level, though, the best thing we can do if we care about sound money and free-market principles is to be involved at the state and local legislature level.
Plus, you can be your own bank, which we’ve been teaching in our TAFF Mastermind every Wednesday night for over three years now.
The Changing Financial Landscape
The Money Metals Exchange teamed up with Sound Money Defense to give scholarships to college students who understand and advocate for sound money and free-market principles.
Have your child apply if they want to write an essay about their support of sound money and free-market principles!
Millennials and GenZ are going the other direction, toward Marxism, where the ideology is equality for everyone. Nobody is incentivized to do a good job, and the state controls and owns everything.
This also means the elites are in government and public companies – Marxism never eliminated “class” or made everyone equal.
Communism and collectivism have been massive failures in 75+ countries, but they’ve rebranded for Western nations, still putting on a “democratic” facade as the “public-private partnership.”
The Real Reason You Should Buy Gold and Silver Now
Having some gold and silver allows you to hedge against economic fallout when people are panic-buying and panic-selling.
When you buy gold and silver and physically possess them, you become the Central Bank of [Your Name].
You have, as investor Jay Martin says, “Eff You” money.
Having some gold and silver allows you to hedge against economic fallout when people are panic-buying and panic-selling. You’re probably aware that market experts say we’re in an “Everything Bubble.”
(Real estate. Stock markets. Public debt. Private debt. All of it.)
It’s like leaving the big city, where you’re in centralized control, for a rural town with 20,000 people. You’re cutting your own path if you take responsibility for your financial health.
Although gold recently hit an all-time high and silver has gone up after being stagnant for over ten years, everyone in the commodities space agrees that gold and silver are very undervalued.
Silver, needed in solar and countless industrial uses, is projected to be severely scarce within a year to two years. (What happens when demand exceeds supply? Prices go up.)
An ounce of gold would buy a man’s fine suit for hundreds of years. That shows you how gold has kept pace with inflation.
Your dollars certainly are losing value! If you’ve had $10,000 in the bank since 2019, you’ve probably noticed that money will buy you 50-60% of what it did back then.
I have listened to hundreds of market analysts, and the vast majority predict increasing inflation, not decreasing.
So, if our government is printing more and more money – for example, $6.5 trillion for the “COVID crisis” – which makes the money you’ve saved worth less, what are you going to do about it to protect your own “stored energy” in the form of savings?
I’m not saying to put everything you’ve got in gold and silver. It’s not a way to get rich. It’s more a hedge against inflation. And a way to store value.
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We are NOT teaching crypto trading! (A great way to go broke gambling.)
We’re not giving financial advice; we’re education and entertainment only! (We even play songs about crypto and sound money, set to 1980s tunes!)
Every week, we share our research on the best cryptocurrencies being mass-adopted despite little media attention and the pros and cons of various other ways to prepare against the uncertainty of our economy and financial institutions.
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How I Buy Gold and Silver
I’ve bought gold and silver for many years. Here's how.
I’ve bought gold and silver for many years. My “gold guy” is John Fisher of Fisher Precious Metals.
They have been a small business for decades. The owner is a wonderful Christian guy who is super honest. They charge lower premiums, ship promptly, and communicate well.
E.B. Tucker, the author of Why Gold? Why Now?, referred me to him a few years ago.
I love the “personal touch” of a gold dealer who has been in business for decades. It’s just him and his assistant, Kelly, no big, impersonal sales team.
You can call John Fisher at 800-390-8576 and ask him your questions. Tell him I sent you, and I believe he’ll give you a discount.
If you’re concerned about your financial future, jump into our Mastermind.
After you do, please watch the crypto beginner videos to get up to speed. Then, be sure to join us every Wednesday at 8 PM Eastern! (Remember to get a second discount of $50 with coupon code ROBYN.)
Coach Andrea and I teach how we’ve increased our own wealth by mostly abandoning traditional financial instruments and “taking the road less traveled.”
We’d love to see you on our call next Wednesday night!
If you'd like to see this article in video form, here it is:
Robyn Openshaw, MSW, is the bestselling author of The Green Smoothies Diet, 12 Steps to Whole Foods, and 2017’s #1 Amazon Bestseller and USA Today Bestseller, Vibe. Learn more about how to make the journey painless, from the nutrient-scarce Standard American Diet, to a whole-foods diet, in her free video masterclass 12 Steps to Whole Foods.
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that help support the GSG mission without costing you extra. I recommend only companies and products that I use myself.
- Gold bar image via a CC BY-ND 2.0 license from Flickr user Bullion Vault
- Pile of gold bars image used under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication license via Pixabay
Posted in: High-Vibe Living, Lifestyle, Preparedness
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