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Have You Heard? Can’t-Miss January Podcasts

Robyn Openshaw - Feb 05, 2019 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Have You Heard? Can't-Miss January Podcasts | Green Smoothie Girl

Each Wednesday, I interview one of the world’s leading experts in holistic health.

This month, we talked about:

Here’s a quick roundup of the high vibes you might have missed:

Prefer reading to listening? A link to the transcript is in the show notes for each podcast!

Healing is possible — and that includes you

Desperate to reclaim your life and health — but feeling discouraged or out of options? Get ready for a big dose ofHave You Heard? Can't-Miss January Podcasts | Green Smoothie Girl inspiration and encouragement.

At age 17, Dr. Stephen Cabral was suffering from Addison’s disease, Rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and type two diabetes. Western medicine pointed to a life full of suffering, followed by an early death. But that’s not what happened at all. Today, Dr. Cabral is healthy, thriving, and helping others find hope for healing.

“You can be, do, learn, and have anything you want in life – it’s just up to you to take that first step.”
-Dr. Stephen Cabral

Listen to Episode 113: True Health and Healing for Living Your Ideal Life Is in Your Control with Dr. Stephen Cabral

Get your (hormone) groove back!

If you’re a woman wondering whether it’s possible to get your groove back — because of menopause, PCOS, endometriosis, or even just the aging process — this episode is for you.

Dr. Gersh’s renown in obstetrics and gynecology is so widespread that she’s often sought out as an expert witness inHave You Heard? Can't-Miss January Podcasts | Green Smoothie Girl high-profile legal cases (you might recognize some of them!) In other words, this rockstar doctor really knows her stuff!

“Your health is like a thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle. You start with the rim of about 600 pieces — that’s your lifestyle, your diet, your exercise, your stress level, your sleep, your circadian rhythms. But the center of the puzzle, those remaining 400 pieces, are your hormones.”
-Dr. Felice Gersh

Listen to Episode 114: Naturally Restore Your Rhythms, Hormones and Happiness with Dr. Felice Gersh

Holy kale! Spirituality + food

Did you know that the food you eat can make a big difference in your spiritual health? Dr. Gabriel Cousens, founder of the Tree of Life Center, is a family therapist and holistic physician who helps people access deeper meaning, Have You Heard? Can't-Miss January Podcasts | Green Smoothie Girlwholeness, and spirituality through nutrition.

Get ready to challenge some misconceptions and mind-blowing truths that show just how important a plant-based diet is to a meaningful inner life.

“It’s possible to bring holiness and sacredness into every action; not just the action of eating, but every action, until your whole way of being is coming from a place of love and peace.”

“A plant based diet is one of the most powerful way to support spiritual life. Besides avoiding animal cruelty, we’re minimizing negative vibrations and frequencies that we take in through our food.”
-Dr. Gabriel Cousens

Listen to Episode 115: Awaken Your Spiritual Energy and Find Connections and Cures to Experience a Long and Meaningful Life with Dr. Gabriel Cousens

Your path is your path

Ever feel like you’re mucking it all up, or that life would be better if you could just swap circumstances with Have You Heard? Can't-Miss January Podcasts | Green Smoothie Girlsomebody else?

Homeopath and functional medicine expert Dr. Carol Lourie is a breath of fresh air in a world full of comparison and FOMO (fear of missing out). She’s here with a reminder that your life (not anybody else’s!) is full of lessons to be learned, the potential for joy, and healing. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of redefining the paradigm.

“I encourage women to become educated, empowered, and then make their own decisions. Because sometimes the standard protocol is going to work for them, and sometimes it’s not.”
-Dr. Carol Lourie

Listen to Episode 116: Redefining Healing, Parenting, and Living Life on Your Own Path with Carol Lourie

True nutrition miracles — no pills or potions required

Dr. Brian Clement, founder of the Hippocrates Health Institute, spends a lot of time with people on death’s door, in the late stages of pretty much any catastrophic disease you can imagine.

And with a unique combination of nutrition and psychotherapy, he brings most of them back.Have You Heard? Can't-Miss January Podcasts | Green Smoothie Girl

Interested in what he has to say about your health? You should be!

“I’ve been a strict vegan for 48 years now. It’s a lifestyle I recommit to weekly as I watch my guests at the Hippocrates Health Institute reverse catastrophic disease.”

“Every single one of the 8 million species we share this planet with (trillions of creatures!) lives on a 100 percent raw food diet. The only species that choose to cook their food are homosapiens, you and I. Are they all wrong or are we wrong?”
-Dr. Brian Clement

Listen to Episode 117: Understanding the Healing Vibrations of Food, Emotion and Passion with Dr. Brian Clement

Remember, you can join us every Wednesday for a new episode of Vibe with Robyn Openshaw for tips on living a high-vibration, happy and healthy life.

Make sure you don’t miss another episode! Subscribe on iTunes, I would love a rate and review if you enjoy my show–and follow us on Facebook!

Have You Heard? Can't-Miss January Podcasts | Green Smoothie Girl

Posted in: Vibe Podcast

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