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Have You Heard? Can’t-Miss May Podcasts 2019

Robyn Openshaw - Jun 04, 2019 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Each Wednesday, on the Vibe podcast, I interview one of the world’s leading experts in holistic health. Sometimes, I just chat with you about a subject I think you’ll enjoy.

This month, I talked with Felice Gersh, M.D. about some surprising myths about breast cancer detection and prevention.

Kyrin Dunston, M.D. shared her personal experience with breast implant illness and gave some invaluable advice about implants.

And Dr. Alan Goldhamer offered his unique insight into the benefits of water fasting, after supervising over 20,000 people doing so at his True North clinic.

Here’s a quick roundup of more high vibes you might have missed.

In this post:

Prefer reading to listening? A link to the transcript is in the show notes for each podcast!

Straight talk about breast cancer.

Dr. Felice Gersh knows a thing or two about breast cancer prevention and detection. Not only is she a renowned Have You Heard? Can't-Miss May Podcasts | GreenSmoothieGirlboard-certified OB/GYN, but she routinely serves as an expert witness in forensic gynecology cases.

In this episode, she confronts some of the most dangerous myths and misconceptions about breast cancer imaging choices, detection, and prevention.

“The chance of a mammogram saving your life is similar to your chances of winning the lottery. And just as alarming, there is more likelihood of harm than benefit from a mammogram — no matter your age.”

-Felice Gersh

Listen to Episode 130: Breast Cancer Detection: Mammography Versus Thermography Interview with Felice Gersh, MD

Essential oils — so much more than a nice scent!

Pop quiz: Which natural substance vibrates at the highest frequency? Essential oils.Have You Heard? Can't-Miss May Podcasts | GreenSmoothieGirl

Interested in learning how to incorporate essential oils into your diet, and what kind of health benefits you might see? My dear friends Dr. Z and Mama Z have your answers!

“Carbs, fats, and proteins will keep you alive. But unless you’re eating a diet rich in polyphenols (found in plants and concentrated in essential oils), you won’t actually be healthy. ”
-Eric Zielinski

Listen to Episode 131: The Essential Oils Diet with Dr. Z and Mama Z

Don’t like the script? Rewrite it.

According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, the way we behave, feel, speak, interact with each other, and experience life has a lotHave You Heard? Can't-Miss May Podcasts to do with scripts we internalized from a very early age.

In this episode, I get very personal about the scripts I’m working to rewrite, the subconscious programming I’m working to overcome, and how you can use the same principles to live a higher vibration, empowered life.

“Not all of our subconscious programming is bad, but some of it no longer serves us well, if it ever did. And with consciousness and with patience, we can live in a place that will make us happy and not internally at odds with ourselves.”

-Robyn Openshaw

Listen to Episode 132: How I’m Overcoming My Subconscious Programming with Robyn Openshaw

Considering breast implants? Listen up.

Despite having a successful OB/GYN practice, Dr. Kyrin Dunston became increasingly concerned that the field of Have You Heard? Can't-Miss May Podcastsobstetrics and gynecology focused too heavily on treating symptoms and ordering procedures — instead of really improving women’s lives.

Her concerns took a personal turn when her own health began to fail after getting breast implants. Today, she’s sharing what she’s learned about breast implant illness, and some important things you should consider if you’re thinking about getting some, or getting them out!

“I readily admit it probably was one of the worst decisions of my life to have my own implants placed. This was back when I [thought as a doctor] ‘we heal with steel’ and knew that there was ‘a pill for every ill’.

-Dr. Kyrin Dunston

Listen to Episode 133: Breast Implant Illness with Kyrin Dunston, MD

Should you try a water fast?

If you want to start an argument on the internet quickly, bring up fasting! With all the controversy and myths Have You Heard? Can't-Miss May Podcasts | GreenSmoothieGirlcirculating, it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction.

In this episode, Dr. Alan Goldhamer, director of the True North Healing Center, joins us for some real talk about water fasting. He’s personally supervised 20,000 patients through successful water fasts, and he’s here to answer questions about the benefits and the cautions.

“Many people are afraid of fasting. They think those pretzels on a flight between California and New York saved their life. But it turns out that fasting is a biological adaptation. It’s so necessary for human survival that literally everybody with very rare exceptions are able to fast.”

“Most people that are suffering and sick and dying prematurely today are dying from not deficiency diseases like in the ancient past, but diseases of dietary excess like heart disease. Undoing the consequences of dietary excess is just one of the potential benefits of long term water-only fasting.”

-Dr. Alan Goldhamer

Listen to Episode 134: Helping 20,000 People Fast at True North in California–and Why I’m Going There Soon with Dr. Alan Goldhamer

Remember, you can join us every Wednesday for a new episode of Vibe with Robyn Openshaw for tips on living a high-vibration, happy and healthy life.

Make sure you don’t miss another episode! Follow us on Facebook and subscribe on iTunes. If you enjoy the show, I would love a rate and review.


Have You Heard? Can't-Miss May Podcasts


Disclaimer: This article may contain affiliate links, which allow you to support our mission without costing you extra.

Posted in: High-Vibe Living, Vibe Podcast

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