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Have You Heard? Can’t-Miss April Podcasts

Robyn Openshaw - May 02, 2019 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Have You Heard? Can't Miss April Podcasts from Vibe with Robyn Openshaw

Each Wednesday, on the Vibe show, I interview one of the world’s leading experts in holistic health. Sometimes, I just chat with you about a subject I think you’ll like.

Here’s a quick roundup of the high vibes you might have missed:

Prefer reading to listening? A link to the transcript is in the show notes for each podcast!

Let food be your medicine!

If you have Hashimoto’s or another hormone disorder, you know how difficult it can be to find answers to your Dr Izabella Wentz in a kitchenquestions. Which foods are the “right” foods? Which guidelines should you follow? Are you taking the right tests?

Take it from my good friend and #1 New York Times Bestselling author Dr. Izabella Wentz, who was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s 10 years ago and has dedicated her life to helping others find answers and healing through the power of good nutrition.

“I really want to give people an opportunity to be their own nutrition gurus. To use food as medicine, and to figure out how to dial things in within their own bodies. How to use food, right? That’s as basic as it gets, but it’s as revolutionary as it gets too.”

-Dr. Izabella Wentz

Listen to Episode 126: Hashimoto’s Food Pharmacology with Dr. Izabella Wentz

Adrenal fatigue? Not so fast.

Forget everything you thought you knew about “adrenal fatigue.” This so-called condition is the darling of the "Debunking Adrenal Fatigue" with Ari Whittenholistic and functional medicine worlds, but what does the science say?

My dear friend Ari Whitten has recently completed the most comprehensive analysis of the research available on “adrenal fatigue,” and he’s here to share his surprising findings. Get ready to change your perspective on cortisol, your energy levels, and your health.

“If you’ve been told you have adrenal fatigue, I’m not saying your symptoms are made up. Your symptoms are absolutely real, and chronic stress may be behind them. But what I am saying is that trying to fix your fatigue and your symptoms by trying to fix your adrenals and your cortisol levels is very, very misguided.”
-Ari Whitten

Listen to Episode 127: Debunking “Adrenal Fatigue” with Ari Whitten

At the intersection of friends, family, and health

Trying to talk to the people you love about better health and nutrition can be surprisingly complicated — and painful."How to Have More Influence on Your Family and Community as a Health Activist" with Robyn Openshaw

In this episode, I’m sharing my best tips on how to be a positive influence on the people you love, rather than a nag. If you’ve ever been called a “health nut” by eye-rolling family members, this one’s for you!

“Don’t pull the rug out from under the people in your life. Don’t make big pronouncements. No evangelizing, no self-righteousness, no superiority. This isn’t just a recipe for failure. It’s also going to get you some ten-foot walls built against all your future efforts. Be quiet, and be results-oriented. Remember, if you just decided to make this change today, yesterday you were right where they are.”

-Robyn Openshaw

Listen to Episode 128: How to Have More Influence on Your Family and Community as a Health Activist with Robyn Openshaw

Keep your lady bits young!

Sexual wellness is such an important part of getting healthy and living a more connected life."Sexual Health, Vaginal Dryness, and How to Keep Your Lady Bits Young" with Dr. Anna Cabeca

Dr. Anna Cabeca, a triple board certified OB/GYN, joins us in this episode to get real about our lady bits. We’re talking vaginal dryness, low libido, hormone replacement therapy, pelvic floor issues — the works!

Many of us don’t often get the chance to have an open dialogue about these important topics. So let’s talk!

“Sexual health is so much more than just our sexual relationships. It has everything to do with how we age, and how we feel as we age, because there’s no stopping the clock.”

-Dr. Anna Cabeca

Listen to Episode 129: Sexual Health, Vaginal Dryness, and How To Keep Your Lady Bits Young with Dr. Anna Cabeca

Remember, you can join us every Wednesday for a new episode of Vibe with Robyn Openshaw for tips on living a high-vibration, happy and healthy life.

Make sure you don’t miss another episode! Subscribe on iTunes, I would love a rate and review if you enjoy my show–and follow us on Facebook!

Have You Heard? Can't Miss April Podcasts from Vibe with Robyn Openshaw


Disclaimer: This article may contain affiliate links, which allow you to support our mission without costing you extra.

Posted in: High-Vibe Living, Vibe Podcast

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