Category: Healthy Weight Search for: How to Avoid Hidden Added Sugar in Your Food At GreenSmoothieGirl, I try to be all about the good things you eat–and do–to fuel and strengthen your body. I want to be all about what to say yes to…. Sauna Health Benefits: Get The Most Out Of Your Sauna Time In Scandinavia, saunas have been used for centuries to promote wellness, and it turns out that the Russians and Finns may have understood something about sauna’s health benefits that the… Healing Disease With Functional Medicine In the year 2010, I set out, on a global quest. I’d seen too much suffering and death from the effects of chemotherapy and radiation, which Western Medicine insists–despite much… {VIDEO} 3 Fats That Hurt, 3 Fats That Heal “Fat-free” means “healthy,” right? Actually…nothing could be further from the truth. I’m still trying to undo the destructive psychology from the fat-free obsession in the 80’s. Remember how fat-free margarine… 4 Rules to Eat Carbs with NO Weight Gain You’ve heard that carbs are the enemy. Nothing could be further than the truth, despite what the latest diet fads want you to believe. Many carbohydrates do, in fact, spike… You Can Lose Weight and Save Money Too? So many people think that to lose weight they have to spend a lot of money. And there are certainly ways to spend a lot in that process. It’s a… Food Fad: Tell Me You Didn’t Do the HCG Diet! [VIDEO] Beware. In this new video, I share why you want to stay away from this fad: HCG. You know people who took HCG to lose weight, right? It’s right up… 5 Ways To Lose Weight Without Dieting I hate diets. I mean, I really hate them. The suffering. The deprivation. The obsession over portion size, calories, macronutrient ratio. I don’t love diets, because they’re all about deprivation…. What’s the Best Diet in the World? One of the most freeing things I’ve ever done is to STOP DIETING. Over 20 years ago. Like you, I’ve been subjected to a barrage of media touting every new… Eat Right For Your Blood Type {NEW VIDEO} Have you ever heard about people feeling better because they “ate right for their blood type?” In this video I talk about WHY they feel better—even though there’s no science… I was interviewed on Food Heals Nations podcast! The ladies at Food Heals Nations are passionate about helping you discover ways to be well, using food. Of course, that’s my jam too! Check out the podcast I did… Green Smoothies for Weight Loss: Mindy Loses 110 Pounds! At GreenSmoothieGirl, we’re constantly singing the praises of whole foods and plant-based eating. It’s easy to talk about these ideas in theory, but the real magic is apparent when you…