Eat Right For Your Blood Type {NEW VIDEO}
Have you ever heard about people feeling better because they “ate right for their blood type?”
In this video I talk about WHY they feel better—even though there’s no science behind eating a specific way for your blood type and it is rather a bunch of nonsense. Check it out, do you agree or not?
Posted in: Healthy Weight, Tools & Products, Videos
Tried this diet. While it did make some valid points, it is based on a perfect body system. I am Type A which meant I should be a vegetarian and eating soy. I was suffering from multiple allergies after the birth of my third child so I read the book and gave it a try. Not one to do anything halfway I tried the recipes including making miso. Over several weeks my allergies got worse. Had tissue mineral (hair) analysis done only to find I was zinc deficient and extremely high in copper (zinc antagonist). Soy is loaded with copper as are many other foods. Once I stopped the diet I started getting better. What was true for me was that I should eat chicken, turkey and fish and avoid pepper. Don’t believe everything you read. We are individual and no diet is good for everyone.
Karen, thanks for sharing your experience here. It is so important to do what is best for you and your individual needs.