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Have You Heard? Can’t-Miss October Podcasts 2018

Robyn Openshaw - Nov 02, 2018 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

October 2018 Podcast Roundup

Each Wednesday, I interview one of the world’s leading experts in holistic health.

This month, we talked about functional medicine … the healing power of food … the connection between real, raw food and aging … the new green smoothie challenge … and heart health.

Here’s a quick roundup of the high vibes you might have missed:

Prefer reading to listening? A link to the transcript is in the show notes for each podcast!

How old are you, really?

October 2018 Podcast RoundupDr. Jeffrey Bland might be 72 years old, but he’s measurably healthier than most 30 year olds!

As the founder of the Institute for Functional Medicine, Dr. Bland is a true living legend with a lot of wisdom to share about the fascinating intersection between nutrition, the environment, aging, and disease.

“The effects of age have less to do with your chronological age, and everything to do with your functional age. And then that begs the question — what is a functional age? You might be 50 years old, but functioning like the average 70 year old.”

-Dr. Jeffrey Bland

Listen to Episode 100: Functional Medicine and High Vibration Living at its Best with Dr. Jeffrey Bland

Where’s the proof for natural medicine? Right here.

October 2018 Podcast RoundupNaturopath and author Michael Murray is one of the world’s leading experts on the connection between food and health, and he’s here to debunk the myth that natural medicine is some kind of “soft science”!

If you’ve ever wondered just how much evidence there really is for naturopathic, nutrition-based medicine, this episode is a must-listen.

“One of the great myths about natural medicines is that they are not scientific. The fact of the matter is that for most common illnesses, there is greater support in the medical literature for a natural approach than there is for drugs or surgery”.

-Dr. Michael Murray

Listen to Episode 101: The Healing Power of Foods with Dr. Michael Murray

Let’s get real — and raw!

October 2018 Podcast RoundupMimi Kirk is one of my personal role models. Not only was she named the “sexiest vegetarian over 50,” but she’s living proof that a plant-based, primarily raw diet is the answer. I mean seriously, the woman is taking zero prescription medications — at 80 years old!

The best part, though? She’s here to say that her life doesn’t have to be the rare exception.

“How many commercials do you see where they show regular people and they say, ask your doctor for this pill or that pill? And they make you think that as everybody ages they’re going to need an arsenal of prescription drugs. It hasn’t been that way for me and I don’t think that has to be that way for anybody. I travel the world internationally. My boyfriend is 20 years younger than I am. Nothing stops me. And when I hear my age I laugh because I just can’t. I have no connection to it. Eighty is not what I ever thought eighty would be like.” -Mimi Kirk

Listen to Episode 102: Real, Raw and Vibrant Living with Mimi Kirk

Ready for a challenge?

October 2018 Podcast RoundupThis month we celebrated our 100th episode! We’ve covered everything from sleep disorders to fad diets to human detoxification, and today we’re getting back to basics — with a little challenge!

A quart of green smoothie a day. That’s it. We’re kicking things off on October 28th, and if you’ve been meaning to get healthy in 2018, THIS is your sign. Tune in for the details!

“Green smoothies aren’t the only way to get more living, nutrient dense, raw high fiber plant food in your diet — but they do have the advantage of being power-packed fast food! And in this modern age, that’s really important.”

“In 2007 when I put the Green Smoothie Girl website up, nobody had ever heard of ‘green smoothies.” Now it’s a household word. There’s a reason for that.”

-Robyn Openshaw

Listen to Episode 103: The 9-Day Green Smoothie Challenge with Robyn Openshaw

Time for a heart to heart

October 2018 Podcast RoundupIf the name “Esselstyn” sounds familiar to you, it might be because Bill Clinton used his Esselstyn protocol after triple-bypass surgery. Or it could be from his feature in the documentary “Forks Over Knives.”

Basically, Dr. Esselstyn is a very big deal. And in this episode he’s sharing some of the findings and research on heart health that have made his name so recognizable!

“I was always sort of a hard-nosed macho surgeon — until I started doing research into nutrition. I was seeing some absolutely incredible results with patients who were seriously ill. Some of whom had been left for dead.” -Caldwell Esselstyn=

Listen to Episode 104: Healing Hearts and Changing Lives through Plant-based Living with Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn

Remember, you can join us every Wednesday for a new episode of Vibe with Robyn Openshaw for tips on living a high-vibration, happy and healthy life.

Make sure you don’t miss another episode! Subscribe on iTunes, I would love a rate and review if you enjoy my show–and follow us on Facebook!

Posted in: High-Vibe Living, Vibe Podcast

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