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Become An Instant Health Expert: GSG Genius Guides

Robyn Openshaw - Nov 21, 2016 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

How much easier would your healthy shopping and food prep be if you had some “cheat sheets” to refer to–at the store and in your kitchen?

How many books and articles and YEARS of time could you save yourself, if you had quick and easy shortcuts to decoding food labels, substituting good ingredients for bad, avoiding harmful ingredients like “hidden” sugars, GMO’s, and more?

I’ve put together some unique tools that will instantly uplevel your health and wellness knowledge to EXPERT, without a minute more of research, or trying to locate files you saved, somewhere. These tools come to you printed, laminated, and in a format you can use immediately.

I call them the “GSG Genius Guides,” your at-a-glance resources for becoming the savviest health guru you know, overnight!

Smart Healthy Shopping at Your Fingertips

Some of the Genius Guides are the size of credit cards, designed to carry in your wallet or purse when you head out to stores. Gone are the days of hastily scribbled notes on disintegrating paper, reminding you which ingredients you want and which to avoid.

I like to think of myself as having a pretty good memory bank for that kind of information, but even I can’t memorize lists of toxic cosmetic ingredients…or the very best supplements to gather when someone I love is fighting a bug.

I was ecstatic to get these resources printed up for MYSELF, as well as being able to offer them to you!

These wallet-sized Genius Guides will help you:


Avoid GMOs:
Refer to this handy list when reading label ingredients–you’ll be surprised at how many foods contain GMOs!

Cosmetic Ingredients to Avoid

Steer clear of toxic cosmetic ingredients: Your skin is the largest organ of your body, and poisons absorbed through the skin are just as toxic as if you ingested them.  Check beauty products against this card, right in the store.

7 Immune Boosters

Find immune boosters and viral killers when you’re under the weather: Stock up on the supplements on this list, and guard yourself and your loved ones against illness.  Watch this video for how these supplements helped my daughter avoid an antibiotic prescription!

Hidden Sugars

Decode hidden sugars on food labels: Think that just because an ingredient list doesn’t say “sugar,” it doesn’t have concentrated sweeteners that flare up your joints, inch you toward diabetes, and fog up your brain? Check out this wallet-card list when reading labels, and find the sneaky ways companies disguise added sugars.


Expose the neurotoxins in food and household products: watch out for the products on these lists of edible and environmental neurotoxins–before you purchase! I tell you where you’re likely to encounter these poisons, especially on items that don’t require disclosure!

6 Healthy Treat Swaps

Make healthy magic of any treat recipe:
carry this card, file it with your recipes, or tape it inside your pantry–when you want something sweet, you’ll have my six “magic tricks” for healthy swaps to make any treat recipe healthier, and made of all whole-food ingredients.

Dirty Dozen / Clean 15 Wallet Card

Learn which foods to buy ORGANIC…and which are ok to purchase conventionally: You’ve got a budget, and let’s face it, buying organic food will chip away at it more quickly than conventional food. Did you know you can prioritize which foods are MOST important to buy organic, and which are LEAST important? My Dirty Dozen/Clean Fifteen wallet card will tell you which items are worth the spend for organic!

Cupboard “Table” to Kitchen Table

These Genius Guides are clever shortcuts to refer to in the kitchen–I’ve arranged them in easy-to-use table formats on half a standard sheet of laminated paper, so they’re the perfect size to tape to the insides of your cupboards!  You’ll find yourself referring to them daily.

Green Smoothie Guide

1001 Green Smoothies Guide: This simple chart shows you how 10 minutes in the kitchen can ADD 10 years to your life, and shows you how to lose 10 pounds in one month, no suffering or diet required! More things you get to lose: your books and files of green smoothie recipes, guesswork, measuring!  It’s all here on this easy-to-follow guide.

I give you the categories of ingredients that belong in your daily green smoothie, plus items in those categories–change it up however you like, for endless possibilities! Try different ingredients in each category to cover your nutritional needs, and you’ll find new favorites AND become a mix-and-match mastermind.

With this beautiful chart, you can easily teach even a beginner to check the fridge and pantry, gather ingredients, and make a tasty, healthy smoothie in just 10 minutes.  Task your spouse or teens with making the family’s green smoothies, and arm them with a healthy habit they can follow the rest of their lives, for literally 1,000% more nutrition than the average American gets.

Build-A-Meal Cheatsheet

Build-A-Meal Cheatsheet: I’ve created the “Build-A-Meal Cheatsheet” as a reference for 999 plant-based meals that you can tape up in your cupboard for reference at mealtime. It’s an easy guide to show you how to use what you already have in your fridge and pantry, to make any number of healthy plant-based meals, with NO recipe!

Simple Healthy Mealtime Prep: Mix and Match–start with a base, add one or more toppings or fillings, and play with sauces or spices. I hope this helps you enjoy the magical world of eating greens, vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, and nuts and seeds–the nutrient-dense plant kingdom of food!

Sugar Alternatives

Sugar Alternatives: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: I hope you’re working on limiting or cutting out sugar in your diet, and I want to help! Sugar is nasty stuff, but sometimes the alternatives (like Splenda, Nutrasweet and Truvia) are actually WORSE.

I’ve reviewed 21 sweet substitutions and categorized them for you!  At a glance, you’ll learn:

  • What sweeteners come from whole foods, are high in nutrients, and rate as “Good” swaps for sugar
  • The glycemic index for each of the Good substitutions, to make more educated choices about blood sugar impact when you switch
  • Exactly HOW to use each Good sweetener
  • Application: which ones are good for baking, which are better for beverages, etc.
  • Amounts: the ratios of each sweetener to use in place of sugar for best results
  • Which alternatives should be used only occasionally, if at all (the Bad)
  • Which sweeteners you should AVOID AT ALL COSTS (the Ugly)

Tape this table inside the cupboards above your kitchen work area, and you’ll never have to guess which sugar alternatives to use, or which ones to use for your particular recipe.

GSG Genius Guides

I’m honored to be a part of your health journey, and it’s always been with YOU in mind that I have distilled the best methods, tips, and tricks into my books, programs, and guides like these. These tools are the product of YEARS of research, as I considered the best way to save you the trouble and shortcut your way to expert health knowledge.

I’ve been so ecstatic to get them into your hands that I released most of them as downloads as I created them over the last several months.  Now, my “cheat sheets” are all together as the GSG Genius Guides, printed and laminated into the best formats for each one.

To celebrate, I want to give you 50% off on the Genius Guides for a limited time–get one for yourself, and another as a gift!  Don’t forget parents or grown kids who could use these tools for better choices.  Help yourself and those you love become instant health experts in the store and kitchen!

genius guides
become an instant health expert

Posted in: Tools & Products

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