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What Dumb Things Has Your Doctor Told You?

Robyn Openshaw - Oct 11, 2024 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Dumb things doctors say

I posted this meme on my Facebook page (here and here) and received over 800 responses.

I’m sharing some of them with you here.

My Experience with MDs

Medical doctors have told me some incredibly ill-educated things. While I’m not sharing them here because there’s so much to share from what many of you told us –

– I consider this a blessing.

That is why I detached from the idea of MDs as experts on MY health.

When I began to self-educate myself past the astonishingly stupid things MDs told me, I was forced to take responsibility for my own health.

Pushed out of that cozy nest of believing that someone else would solve my health problems.

Your Dumb Responses from Doctors

It just doesn’t go too well when you try to delegate it to someone you might spend 10 minutes with in a white coat once or twice a year.

These are some of the responses the posts above got:

“You enjoy having fibromyalgia. It’s who you are.” – Ann S. B.


“Diet won’t do anything for this disease.” – Jessica M. (By one of the top rheumatologists in Los Angeles.)

Also: “I have never heard of a thing called probiotics.” (By a self-described “holistic leaning” pediatrician.

Also, I asked my son’s GI doctor about checking for parasites. He said, “Has he been to Africa?”


“Don't take your son to a chiropractor, the chiropractor will hurt your son.” – Tammy T.

(Side note from Tammy: He healed my son.)


“Oh you have IBS? Just mix some Metamucil in with Gatorade.” – Alexis G. (One of the top GI doctors in the country.)


My nurse practitioner was trying to convince me to get a mammogram. She said she got her first one at 40. The first one was clear, and on the second time, they “found something.” – Gina E. So, she got a double mastectomy because of family history.

I’m thinking, “She didn’t have breast cancer until she started doing mammograms. My mom is 88, and I don’t think she has ever had a mammogram or colonoscopy.”

[Related: 6 Things Every Woman Should Know About Breast Cancer]


Autism is caused by watching too much TV!” – Marc W.


"The tech for the Dexa scan messed up, or the Dexa machine must have been malfunctioning -- there's no way you improved your bone density that much without medication. You need to get a new Dexa scan to confirm the results." – Jean W.


"Wait, you do not take any prescription medications?? At 63? You do not take anything? Nothing OTC either?" – Deborah W. H.


“You’re too healthy. I don’t know what to do with you.” – Angelena R.


Asked me if I wanted a flu shot. I said no thanks. She proceeds to tell me all the reasons I need to get one. I still said no. She said, “I’m pretty good at convincing my patients to get one.” – Tammy W.

Still no!


“The ideas in the book you are showing me are dangerous.” – Rona R. (I was showing the internist a diagram of the Krebs Cycle.)


A patient’s mom had throat or mouth cancer and wasn't eating much. Her doctor told her to go to Cold Stone Creamery and get the largest milkshake they had, every day, to get the calories in. – Lydia A.


“You need your pneumonia shot.” I said no thank you. “You should get your flu shot.” No thank you. “Well, give her an EKG,” she said to the assistant. I think she needed some code to bill to. EKG was fine. – Barbara M.


Morbidly obese doctor tells me I was underweight, so go eat donuts & Snickers. I was a normal weight, BTW. – Ronda Y.


“I will not prescribe you Armour thyroid, although it's your body, you want to take it, and it's a legitimate option that is natural.” – Richelle K.


You're a hypochondriac and need an antidepressant. (I really had hypothyroidism.) – Deanna R. D.


“It's normal for 2 yo boys not to talk. I'm sure there's nothing wrong with him.” – Nancy F. T.

His regression couldn't possibly have anything to do with that reaction he had to his 15 months shots. Nor his eczema or his chronic diarrhea, or the constant screaming, or the sudden refusal to eat anything but three foods.


Diet has nothing to do with multiple sclerosis; changing your diet won't help anything.” – Alesheia H.


Diagnosed with CFS decades ago: "You'll have it the rest of your life." – Dawn N. Cried for a few days.

Started studying. (Before the Internet) Focused on my systemic candida. Cured that, and no more CFS.


“You cannot pass gallstones, you have to have your gallbladder removed.” – Cathy E.

One month of preparation, and I passed the gallstones, five years ago.


I had an OBGYN tell me that getting pregnant would resolve a uterine fibroid. When I told her I wasn’t married, she told me to “go to a bar and find a guy to make it happen.” – Julie K. R.


I was having severe digestive issues, burning tongue and lips, roving pressure in my head, insomnia and anxiety. I am a fitness instructor and was eating better than most, and the doctor said:

“You’re the healthiest sick person I know. Maybe you should just eat a cheeseburger.” – Karen K. L.


When my baby was 2 weeks old, I was told to give her water, instead of breast feeding. I’m so glad I didn’t listen to that advice! Always trust your instincts. My breastfed baby was healthy. – Jessica J. G.


“You don’t have parasites–that’s only a third-world problem we don’t have in the United States.” – Jackie R.


“Your insurance only pays me to talk to you for so long, so I have to go.” –15 min. – Lori W.


"Are his vaccinations up to date? He wouldn't have this ear infection if he were properly vaccinated." – Candace A.


A pregnant doctor told my sister she got the Covid shot because she didn't want “womb Covid.” – Sharon W.

For real. Genuinely.


>Dentist: "What's your concern with amalgam fillings? The mercury? It's not like it's rolling around in your mouth." – Lisa S.

[Related: Are Amalgam Fillings Safe? A Biological Doctor Weighs In]


“How do you know that those vaccines have those side effects–are you a biochemist?!” – Molly E.

(Screamed this at me, in front of my four children.) My response: No, I read the insert.


“Eat an all-meat diet to reduce inflammation. Plants are poison!” – Amy W. C.

[Related: Astonishing Claims of the Carnivore Diet Debunked]


After diagnosing me with Hashimotos, endocrinologist: “No big deal. All you do is take this Synthroid pill and everything will be fine.” – Lynee G. M.

Stupid, dangerous advice.


Asthma runs in our family, and I have it. But a doctor told me my son got asthma because I was an overprotective mother. – Linda M.


Years ago when I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease....when I asked about diet/food...
“What you eat won't change anything.”' – Jessica D. D.


“You enjoy having fibromyalgia. It’s who you are.” – Ann S. B.


Feed your 5-mo baby ice cream for calcium. – Susan O. E.

Side note from Robyn: An MD told me the same thing, only it was Nestle Quik added to milk.


My mother had been seriously constipated for 6 months. I came to see her and do the cooking after surgery. Within two days of my feeding her, she was completely regular.

She was furious with her doctor and asked why after 2 days I solved her constipation, but after 6 months of taking his drugs and advice, she remained constipated.

His answer: “The stool softeners that I gave you 6 months ago are just now starting to kick in.” – Arturo K.

My mom actually believed him.


“There’s nothing you can do about Hashimotos, it will just get worse and worse until you’ll have to get your thyroid removed.” (endocrinologist) – Arturo K.


Mayo Clinic doctor when I was suffering from severe weight loss: “You should be eating all the pie, cake, ice cream and pudding that you can find.”

The Best Person to Trust About Your Health Is You

These are just a few comments from the Facebook posts on the Green Smoothie Girl page and my personal page, Robyn Openshaw.

Disclaimer: An MD saved my life when I was 27 and nearly bled out before being diagnosed with a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. I’m grateful for all the GOOD doctors do, too!

I hope you had a good laugh and remembered that the person with the best intuition about your health is YOU.

“Trust the experts” sounded innocent enough, but after 2020, I get a little triggered.

Please feel free to share your “dumbest” in the comments below!


Read Next: If You Want to Heal Naturally, You Need to Read This

Photograph of Robyn Openshaw, founder of Green Smoothie GirlRobyn Openshaw, MSW, is the bestselling author of The Green Smoothies Diet, 12 Steps to Whole Foods, and 2017’s #1 Amazon Bestseller and USA Today Bestseller, Vibe. Learn more about how to make the journey painless, from the nutrient-scarce Standard American Diet, to a whole-foods diet, in her free video masterclass 12 Steps to Whole Foods.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that help support the GSG mission without costing you extra. I recommend only companies and products that I use myself.

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Posted in: Health Concerns, Preventive Care

18 thoughts on “What Dumb Things Has Your Doctor Told You?”

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  1. Mari says:

    Always remember that "Some doctors are in the bottom 50% of their class!"

    1. Kara says:

      I went to a PA in an endocrinologist office he told me that he doesn’t feel there is a problem unless your tsh is at 10 or above I already knew that most people feel best with a tsh of one by the time I got diagnosed it was over 5 and could barely get off the couch it was the biggest waste of $250. I eventually found out not only did I have hypothyroidism but I had Lyme and 25 coinfections and Pots syndrome he was very angry that I challenged him but by the time I went to him I read every book on thyroid disease since I am an RN

  2. Susan R says:

    At age 55 with several chronic issues: "You're just old and have to get used to it. There is nothing you can do except take pain killers."
    I see a holistic MD and overcame the chronic issues with diet, supplements, and chelation.

  3. Martine says:

    I am a healthy 74 year old, no meds, healthy diet most of my life. I had chest pains and saw a local cardiologist. I had prepared my family history of heart disease…he blew me off. Genetics have nothing to do with your condition, and you need to lower your cholesterol. I did my own research and now have a holistic cardiologist. I am reserving my plaque the natural way…have been using Robin's sprouted flax seeds for 2 years now.

  4. Susan says:

    A former doctor who used to have his own practice now working for a corporate entity ask me during an annual exam if I wanted a flu shot.

    I said when have you ever known me to take a flu shot?

    His response …"You do everything you're not supposed to do and everything you should do you don't."

    I said well my cousin ended up getting Guillain-Barre after his flu shot. That shut him up real quick! LOL!

  5. Mary Anne Foote says:

    I had a rash on the side of my eye lid and forehead. Dr told me it looked like shingles and I better get the shingles vaccine right away. I don't believe it was shingles but even if it was why would I rush out and get the shingles vacccine after a dignosis!

  6. candi baker says:

    at 71, I had bone on bone my chiropractor found…when the bottom half of my leg slipped over and was at a 30* angle, I looked like a bird with a broken leg…I had not been to a doctor in nearly 30 years and was never sick…we take alot of homeopathic, herbs, vitamns and dont eat the diet most americans eat..when I went for pre op, since I had no primary card Dr., and take no RX, they gave me a hard time, taking me off all my things I had successfully used for years…so after surgery, I dropped 20 pounds in 3 weeks..bad diareaha that the surgeon said the antibiotics they put in my IV DID NOT cause diareaha..and they put me on 325 asprin twice a day under threat of MAKING me take blood thinners..even tho the organic turmeric I had taken off and on for years to keep my arthritis knots from getting red and swollen,painful..after 10 days I quit the asprin since I felt like I had a hole in my gut and went back on turmeric..all the surgeon said about the diareaha was needed to get a primary care Dr and go see him

  7. Cynthia L Jacob says:

    I went to my doctor after I was diagnosed with pertussis (whooping cough) and she told me that since I had it, I needed to get the vaccine right away. Last time I went to her.

  8. Garth says:

    In about 2006, when our son was having problems with fingers turning blue, puffy, hard, and numb, before I knew much about health and nutrition, I took him to a doctor.  As he was examining him, I asked what could have caused it.  The doctor said, "It's not my job to figure out what caused it.  It's my job to fix it," which he did not do.  What helped was just keeping his hands warm in the winter.

  9. ROBERTA says:


  10. Sandra says:

    My hubby’s oncologist told him the chemo wasn’t supported to last this long and did not want to know about any of the “other” things we were doing. Blows my mind!

  11. Pepper says:

    Ooh let's see….as a young woman in mid 20s seeing many doctors for what i eventually learned was Lyme disease I heard so many devastating comments it's hard to pick…
    " you need to change your hair color, that will make you perk up"
    " you are sick because you have a bad relationship with your mother"
    "You are anorexic " (I was unable to eat because the Lyme had destroyed my gut and when I finally got to a lyme specialist first thing he did was get me
    IV nutrition which saved my life)

    "It's because you are not married" you feel this way…..
    Then when I was engaged a few months later I brought my finance with me to a cardiology appointment. The dr excused himself from exam room after talking with me for a few minutes, then went out to waiting room, and took my finance into his office and told him he should not marry me, that I'm the type who will always be sick, and he should look for someone else! (my fiancee told me this after the appointment) My fiancee, btw found a way to get me to the Lyme specialist who wasn't seeing any new patients, and helped me through years of treatments.

  12. Sharon says:

    When asked about a change in diet, the Dr. said," At your age, it's too late for that, eat what ever you want."

    1. Sarah Greg says:

      Sharon, that may be one of the worst things I have heard- That is terrible they said that!!! I am so sorry!

  13. Verna says:

    I have to say that I've heard a lot of dumb things from doctors, but this one I think is terrible. My dentist wanted to put mercury in one of my teeth and I described how after I had my first child, I was so tired I could hardly do anything for months. I went to a natural doctor and he told me that I had enough mercury in my teeth to run a pace-maker. I had all the amalgam removed and all my tiredness went away. My dentist told me the Dental Association says mercury fillings are proven safe. I told him I was living prove they are not. He said my improvement was anecdotal.

    1. Sarah Greg says:

      Goodness that is terrible and unfortunately, too typical of a response!

  14. Debbie Burton says:

    Speaking to surgeon about lumpectomy – once I told her I would not be doing chemo and radiation, she asked me, "can I talk you in to it?" I said no…she then told me that I would need a mastectomy instead because that is the only way I would survive. I instead went out of the country, did all natural therapies and protocols and am doing great!

    1. Audrey C (GSG Support) says:

      Thank you for sharing with us Debbie. So glad to hear you listened to your instincts and are doing great!

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