Category: Whole Food Search for: Robyn’s Answer to a Famous Doctor’s Anti-Green-Smoothie Claim Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn of the Cleveland Clinic is a hero of mine. Former President Bill Clinton cites Dr. Esselstyn, a proponent of a plant-based diet as a solution to cardiac… Science Compared Every Diet. The Winner? Real Food! Dr. David Katz and Dr. Stephanie Meller, at Yale University, completed a survey of the published research on diet over the past decade. The primary finding, surveying thousands of studies?… Kathy Pugh Loses 50 lbs Eating Whole Foods! I love when people send me their test results, or their before-and-after photos, when they’ve changed their life. Kathy is a GSG Detox two-time graduate…..and the winner of a Blendtec… Back in the day, I ate peppermint patties every day It took me the longest time to figure out, in my 20’s, that the reason I was sick and fat was because I ate toxic food every day. I try… After I eat greasy/sugary “junk food,” I feel … Food for thought! This really makes us think about how powerful addiction to junk food is. Since we feel AMAZING drinking greens, and we categorically feel like crap, eating junk…. Energy Drinks to “Get Through the Day”? I have been researching energy drinks—a fairly new phenomenon, but exploding in popularity, especially among young people. The Millennials and Gen Y (actually, all young people in all generations) are… From 7 Years Ago, Starting This Blog……to Now Seven years ago, as I started this blog, I ruminated a lot on my family’s menus, the “in the trenches” work I was doing daily, raising kids from 6 to… More About Whether Wheat/Gluten Are Really the Devil I got a lot of mail about my newsletter on whether it’s appropriate to vilify all grains, and all gluten. Thanks for the feedback and personal experiences you shared! That… Is it a Myth that Wheat (Gluten) is Bad? What’s the difference between GMO and hybridized grains? One of the most important ways I educate, in blogging, authoring books, and public speaking, is to point out how billion-dollar industries… How Much Sugar Are You REALLY Eating? Check out this cartoon YouTube video, just 4 minutes, showing you how eating processed foods causes you to eat far more sugar than your liver can possibly keep up with…. New Green Smoothie Fan Ditches Heart Meds and IBS! Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: I am writing to share my success story with you. I am sure you get zillions of letters, but here goes. I am 60 yrs old and exercise… Are Nutritionists and Dietitians Sleeping with the Enemy? I often talk about how our health care system, and our food system (Big Pharma and Big Food), are Enemies #1 and #2 we have to ward against, if we…