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After I eat greasy/sugary “junk food,” I feel …

Robyn Openshaw - Jul 26, 2014 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Food for thought! This really makes us think about how powerful addiction to junk food is. Since we feel AMAZING drinking greens, and we categorically feel like crap, eating junk.

As the corollary to what I posted on, last time, Amy asked our readers to fill in the blank:

“When I eat greasy/sugary “junk food” I feel __________.”

The first answers, within minutes:


….like shit! (Amanda Boehmer)

….momentarily satisfied, then regretful. (Pia Neustadter)

….ill, bloated, slow, fat, and grouchy. (Tonya Craig)

….tired and irritated. (Christi Louderback)

….fat. (Janice Sandquist)

….happy for 5 seconds, then horribly bloated and heavy the rest of the day. (Eve Montalvo)

….pain in my joints. (Fame Sabo)

….fat, ugly, and sick—congested, sinus pain, ear plugging, and indigestion. (Elizabeth Ann)

….tired and sleepy. (Nicole Hartung)

….initially mmmmm, delicious and “emotionally satisfied,” then tired, cranky, headachy,

fake emotional satisfaction gone. (Mary Kuemmerle)

….like utter caca. (Nessa Nielsen)

….bloated. Bread kills me. (The Green Product Junkie)

….like death is upon me. (Kimberly Clymer)

….like garbage. (Jaime Jeroszko)

….grumpy, apathetic, lethargic. (Spears Oakley)

….sick! (Joyce Gratton, Elisa Bohannon)

….bloated, sleepy, no energy. (Pam Hurley)

….sick for days afterward. (Jamie Smith)



Posted in: Lifestyle, Mind/Body Connection, Whole Food

2 thoughts on “After I eat greasy/sugary “junk food,” I feel …”

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  1. Lynda wells says:

    I just heard Robyn speak today in Wilmington, can I say “AMAZING”. She was so open and honest and informed. My husband and I are turning our eating to green. I know Kermit says it’s not easy being green but it is life saving (I added the last phrase). We want to see our grandchildren, those born and yet to be, graduate college and enjoy every previous moment of life that our Heavenly Father gives us. We are changed, thanks Robyn and especially Caroline foe inviting us.

  2. I love this! The photos say it all – the greasy, junky stuff leaves us feeling blaaaaaahhhhh, as if we’ve been aggressed and left to die (as we have in a way, right?) and the cool green stuff makes us feel alive and amazing! I find it interesting how we are encouraged to eat food that makes us feel lousy and not ourselves – I’d much rather feel 100% myself! Thanks for posting, Robyn! (PS I love your green smoothie recipes!)

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