Awww, This Texas Story is So Cute and Sad!
Tonya S. is a 44-year old mom and cancer survivor. Her cancer doc told her to drink Ensure for nutrition when she lost 30 pounds in treatment. This is a highly processed, canned “medical food” I hear about often from cancer patients. Then her radiologist told her to make green smoothies! She got started with that habit, started getting healthy, and then a friend introduced her to She says, “our world changed!”
This is a photo of Tonya’s kids Ainsley (9), Keagan (7), and Trevin (5), whom Tonya is committed to feeding a healthy diet. She missed my San Antonio lecture I did recently and wrote us a sweet story:
I had to miss tonight because my son got sick, from sneaking gobs of Halloween candy that we were going to donate. He threw up just two hours before Robyn’s lecture. I was so disappointed. My husband was in Canada on business, and I had a long drive to San Antonio. But, then my sweeties drew me this picture. I’m a mom trying to do my best, provide good meals for my family, and offer grace when needed. I was so sad to have missed the class. My kids made this drawing as an apology and I wanted to share it. I’m so impressed that my green smoothie is making an impression on them already. Blessings!
Posted in: 12 Steps To Whole Food, Relationships, Whole Food
That is precious! Keep blowing that cancer up, Tonya! You are HEROIC!