Category: Green Smoothies Search for: Green Smoothie Testimonials, Part 16 “I have spent all my adulthood overweight and miserable. My weight went from 135 to 280 during that time. Most of the time I had skewed ideas that I was… Green Smoothie Testimonials, Part 15 Well, my friends, I’m off to Anaheim for the Natural Products Expo, to see what’s new and cool in raw, whole foods and natural healing. While I’m gone, it’s time… is a green smoothie a license to eat a boatload of junk food? I was at a family party last night. My youngest brother and his wife (I have six brothers) just built a new home and hosted a game night. (Actually we… Let’s Start an Office Green Smoothie Revolution So here’s what you do. You send your office mates to, or have them watch my 3-minute YouTube vid. Together you chip in on a BlendTec or VitaMix for… GreenSmoothieGirl in today’s Daily Herald Today this story ran in the Daily Herald about the growing green smoothie movement, and this site. Thanks for reading my blog—I love you all for the way you want… Young moms make tough decisions about their babies’ nutrition! I received this email from a health care practitioner who is a young mother. As I replied to her, it occurred to me that maybe these comments would be helpful… Raw green food and kidney stones I have more requests to address oxalates. It’s another one of those “they” things: first they tell us greens are good for us, and then they tell us oxalates will… Raw food weight loss Raw food promotes weight loss in people who need to lose, and weight gain in people who are severely underweight from malnourishment. Remember that unless you’re being excessive with… anything to make food prep easier Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: I was talking to someone today who said he puts whole, uncored apples in smoothies. Is that okay? Answer: Absolutely. I do it too. However, if your apples… How Much Plant Food Does America Eat? Check out this story from USA Today, below. Go ahead and gloat that if your child is drinking even a pint of green smoothie daily even with NO other fruit… Research on green smoothies: do you get sick less? In my research I report on in detail, in The Green Smoothies Diet, I asked 175 regular green smoothie drinkers what health benefits they achieved. Because to participate, you… Class in Midway: Part 2 of 2 So a few hours before my morning class in Midway, I went out for a run, and the concrete jumped up and tripped me. I was headed downhill, and my…