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Green Smoothie Testimonials, Part 15

Robyn Openshaw - Mar 12, 2010 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Well, my friends, I’m off to Anaheim for the Natural Products Expo, to see what’s new and cool in raw, whole foods and natural healing.

While I’m gone, it’s time for another round of . . . are you excited? . . . I am! . . .


I’ll do just a few days’ worth. Enough for a morale boost. Not so much that you’re bored. (I get excited about green smoothies again every time I read what y’all have sent me! So check in here every day.)

If you’re new and want to contribute your testimonial, write us at support123 [at] with whatever part of your name you’re willing to have publicized on this blog.

Here’s a good one I received from Eddie:

“I started doing smoothies twice a day (breakfast and lunch), July 14, 2008. At the time, I had no idea what to expect, as I was just trying this on a whim. After about two weeks, I noticed I lost about 5 pounds. I decided to continue this process, and switching up my dinners to be cooked, mostly vegetarian. Another 2-3 weeks passed by and I lost another 5 pounds. Something was working… I suspect it was the combination of green smoothies and going mostly vegetarian.

Well, along my journey, I started seeing books about raw food and 80-10-10, and just a whole bunch of information. I decided to try doing raw, and for the most part I have been able to maintain about 90-95% raw since I started doing this. Every week that passed I noticed I kept losing 2.5 pounds a week, for an eventual total loss so far of about 47 pounds. About 3 months into my journey, I read 80-10-10 Diet by Douglas Graham, and have implemented a lot of his concepts in my daily routines, so most of my daily intake consists of fruits and vegetables, with very small amounts of nuts/seeds. I noticed that with gourmet raw using high content fat (ie. nuts and seeds), I would do alright but I truly thrived doing 80-10-10.

As far as exercise goes, even before I started smoothies, I was doing twice a week at the gym doing a cycle/spin class, and I would occasionally do some light weights at home. I have noticed that my cycle/spin classes, I have been able to maintain extreme high energy levels and not gas out when on 80-10-10. I also noticed that when doing raw-gourmet (with higher fat), that I would not be as energized. Another thing I should note, my muscle recovery times have improved dramatically with 80-10-10– gone are the days of recovery, instead my muscle recovery occurs in about 15-20 hours, ready to hit up more exercise the next day.

I used to have a sinus headache about once a week. Those are all gone. I sleep much better, and noticed that I can go on my day with less sleep and still have a ton of energy. My daily diet still consists of two smoothies a day (one breakfast and one lunch) and my typical dinner meal varies, but it is typically in line with 80-10-10. It took me about 6 months to lose nearly 50 pounds, but the whole process was pretty easy. It is just a matter of committing your mind, and making great habits and breaking the bad ones.”

–Eddie Yee

Posted in: Green Smoothies

6 thoughts on “Green Smoothie Testimonials, Part 15”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Does anyone have any good ideas for substitutes to antibiotics. I ended up with a nasty throat infection, but don’t really want to take the drugs.

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Katrina, I use goldenseal (an herb) with excellent results.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I was wondering what Eddie Yee puts in those smoothies?? Sounds like it’s working!!

  3. Anonymous says:


    I love your diet, and before i found out about it,I was already a healthy eater heathy eater.

    But I have a problem and that is Chronic constipation and it gets worse before my period. Nothing seems to help even a raw food diet. I am thinking I am going to start a candida diet as i have done once. it seems to help but just a liittle. But the hard thing for me is not being able to eat fresh fruit for a month and whole wheat.

    What do you think it would help me?

    And what are your thoughts on the Candida diet and Gaps diet?

  4. Anonymous says:


    One more thing about my constipation issue, is that i go days without having the will to go to the bathroom and seems that my intestine is “lazy” not having peristaltic action as it should. My case is different from those that have the will but their fecces are hard. Mine is a case of not having the will. I have been dealing with this since my High School days and I am now 41.

    I am petite and thank goodness that I am very careful with my diet.Otherwise Iam sure that my weight would not be perfect.

    Some years ago my doctor said it is IBS, and gave me pill which i took for 2 months and quit, because I don’t like to take medicine if I can avoid it

    Right now i am miserable, and on sunday i had to take something to eliminate because I couldn’t stand it any longer.

    I am kinda desperate and don’t know what to do, and it seems that all the good fiber I eat, vegies, fruits, and oils and whole grains are filling me up and not cleaning me. And actually I have been hungry for the last 2 days, because after cleaning some on Sunday, I don’t know what to eat…fruit or not(candida), wheat or not wheat. I have been mostly juicing , eating raw salads, flax crackers, lots of water.

    Can you please , Robyn and anyone, give me suggestions

  5. Anonymous says:


    Have you tried making your own probiotic drink of kefir? This will really help your situation. If you live in Utah county I have kefir grains to share to get you started. I love my kefir milk and soda pop, both great for cleaning up the gut and restoring regularity. We drink both in our family every day and never have any elimination problems.

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