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ideas from readers, part 1 of 3

Robyn Openshaw - Jun 27, 2010 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

GSG reader Brynna came up to me at the gym yesterday. She said a friend of hers doesn’t want to lose the benefits of green smoothies while they go camping, so she made LEATHER out of her GS in the dehydrator. It worked great! (Be sure to chase it with a big glass of water! All dehydrated foods need their water back, and they’ll take it from your stomach in the form of digestive juices if you don’t supply that water.) This is also a great idea when you are flying (rather than driving).

I always take a cooler of frozen pints of GS with me on road trips, but that works only when you’re in a hotel. Keep them covered in ice if there’s no fridge. Take straws, thaw a few hours before using, and shake well before drinking.

Posted in: Green Smoothies, Whole Food

17 thoughts on “ideas from readers, part 1 of 3”

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  3. Anonymous says:

    Robyn, you said don’t eat soy. What are your thoughts about edamame? I love Trader Joe’s frozen edamame and eat them often – e.g. with black beans and various veggies in a bean salad.

    Thanks from someone new to this.

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      I didn’t say I don’t eat soy–I said isolated, refined soy products are ubiquitous in our food supply and we are bombarded with far too many estrogens consequently. I do eat edamame occasionally, or whole-soy foods like tofu. Also small amounts of fermented-soy condiments like nama shoyu or Bragg’s Liquid Aminos.

  4. Anonymous says:

    what was the recipe for the leather?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Robin, I just ordered your twelve steps and a Vitamix and am so excited to begin your program. I also have hypothyroidism and I’m seeing Francine (Wellnique) whom you know, for my problems. I am concerned that eating tons of goitrogenic foods will also cause problems for me as others of your readers have mentioned. Do you have any research on this? Do you know what Francine thinks? I won’t see her again for quite awhile. For now, I guess I will avoid these foods until furthur notice. Most of the foods you suggest in your GS are on the goitrogen food list. There are others that can be substituted, but it narrows the list considerably. Any additional information you could share, would be so helpful.

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Kami, I too am hypothyroid. I think avoiding high-nutrition foods is the worst thing you can do if the goal is to HEAL the thyroid. I don’t even know if I’m actually hypothyroid anymore, but I used to be before I starting caring for my body better, with good nutrition. Try it and see if you feel better and address thyroid issues in a more comprehensive way than worrying about a list of things with ONE compound in them. Avoid that compound and you’re also avoiding hundreds of other nutritional compounds you need in those same foods. For all we know, those OTHER compounds mitigate any effect that a single goitrogen factor might have. I think this new fad of telling people to avoid “goitrogenic” foods will run its course and is an unwise idea. I say that IN GENERAL. You have specific, individual issues and I am not addressing those–and I can’t. I am speaking generally about the new fad to steer people away from good foods without any real testing.

      Best wishes, Kami! You’re on a good path!

  6. Anonymous says:

    I have noticed getting extremely tired a lot and have blamed it on my extremely low iron. However, I have notice too many good things that have happened to me since drinking my green smoothie and plan to continue drinking them and maybe modify some of the ingredients.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I recently started with the GS and am loving it for the whole family. Do you have the carbohydrate count on a pint of GS if it contains the same stuff as your video?

  8. Lou, re your question about the MILA chia seed product–I don’t have any experience with it and have never heard of the brand, but a quick look through the very slick website reveals three things that concern me:

    1. It’s promoted by one of the new breed of TV “pro-natural health” medical doctors who’s certainly making a buttload of money from this MLM pyramid scheme

    2. Nowhere on the site does it say the chia is raw or organically or even sustainably grown.

    3. There’s no answer to my question about whether high temps are used in the “proprietary system that optimizes the bioavailability and increases its nutritional value.” High temps are the primary reason that most commercially produced EFAs (essential fatty acids) are already damaged and rancid before you even open the bottle.

    Now, I think it’s great that a medical doctor is recommending something natural to his patients for their health (notice he’s still making tons of money, and that’s fine), and I think a lot of MILA consumers will benefit because their undernourished bodies are literally starving for ANY kind of nutrients and good fats, damaged or not. Also, most Americans get a pathetic amount of fiber in their daily diets, and this will help move that BBQ and garlic bread along at least. 🙂

    But the real breakthrough comes when we do our own research on what we ingest (and put on our bodies, as well); find whole, RAW, unprocessed or minimally processed foods to nourish us properly; and become healthily skeptical of this latest “health food” craze being pushed on us by medical doctors (Oz, Arnot, Gupta, etc.) who are laughing all the way to the bank. They’re smart people–they see the trend away from conventional medicine and pharmaceuticals and they’re co-opting that trend and steering it as best they can.

    Hey, at least it’s a step in the right direction! Just watch out for people selling you crummy, expensive versions of whole, natural foods you can grow or make yourself, or get in bulk at a health food store. Whole, raw, and unprocessed is what works wonders. Do your research and take back your health!

  9. Anonymous says:

    To Kay`s question about using Kefir in the smothies, Kefir is an awesome source of nutrition, esp the probiotics for the digestive track. When the milk is cultured, the nutrition becomes so much more absorbable by the body, and the probiotics help to digest everything else, & heal the colon. And speaking of cultured foods, I`ve been making sourdough bread from scratch with aincient grains, (Red Fyfe, Kamut, Or Spelt), and have been adding some starter to the batter when I make wraps in the dehydrator (Raw living foods). When you culture (ferment) these grains, the proteins are broken down into amino acids, so the body doesn`t have to do that, and all the trace minerals are so much more readily available for the body to assimilate. I can`t believe that in all the sites I`ve visited on-line for info on Raw living foods, that no-one else cultures their batters before dehydrating. And by the way, even tho I primarily choose Raw Living, I`ll continue to eat sourdough bread, because of the nutritional availability in it. I`m a Holistic Nutritionist, & Angelic Awakening Practitioner, so a lot of my guidance and recipes come from the Divine, and it`s very exciting to see some of the foods that we`re creating. For any of you that might do muscle testing, you can use that for your guidance for the nutrition you need.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Okay, I am new to all of this. I have recently bought a new blendtec blender, and I am ready to go. The problem is, I don’t really know where to start. I have been making a few smoothies here and there, but mostly from purchase frozen fruit with a some spinich. Somebody please get me in the right direction. I am in pretty good health, good exercise program, and take good suppliments, but I want the benifets from these smoothies also. Where do you get all the recipes? When is the best time to drink them. What should beginners start out with to kinda warm up to the taste? Please advise………. Thanks

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Randall, helping you, start to finish, is the point of the 12 Steps to Whole Foods program, which you can read about here:


  11. Anonymous says:

    Would like to learn more about Ms. Judy Mumby. I wonder if she would share her recipe for her sourdough bread.

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Gwen, I also have recipes for whole-grain sourdough bread and lots of info in Ch. 9 of 12 Steps to Whole Foods.

  12. Anonymous says:


    I haven’t been on the site for a bit. I so much appreciate your advice on avoiding goitrogenic foods. I think I will take your advice. 🙂 The list of goitrogenic foods is quite large. I’m avoiding eating them in large quantities, but I think I will quit stressing and just follow your program and see how I feel. By the way, I’ve already noticed that my digestive system has improved considerably and the GS really give me great energy. When I skip a day, my body craves them. Thanks for your direction and insight.

  13. I recently went on a ten day road trip and found a great container to use for freezing the smoothies ahead of time. Ball makes freezer canning jars with screw top lids that are all plastic. You just unscrew the lid and it is like a cup. They hold one pint each. I bought them at Wal-Mart; $5 for 4 of them.

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