Blog Search for: Have Any of You Seen “Food, Inc.” Yet? Have any of you seen Food, Inc. yet? I haven’t, but plan to. Here’s a review in the Deseret News for those of us here on the Wasatch Front. It’s… Naturally Leavened Bread Made with Kamut 12 Stepper Darlene in Canada sent me these gorgeous photos of the whole-grain, 100% naturally leavened bread she made with Kamut rather than wheat, for her gluten-intolerant daughter. Hope this… I’m having this overpowering craving It’s late at night and I am having this huge craving . . . for arugula. Yeah. Arugula. It’s one of my favorite foods. If I type the… Milk Substitutes? Hi! my name is Dina, I’m 27 y/o from Tel Aviv, Israel. I’m new to Robyn’s website and find it a treasure of information. I guess one could define me… I’m not the only one saying the BMI is a bunch of voodoo Here’s an email I got today by alert GSG reader Jessica C. with a link to an NPR story. It’s about the subject I get the most angry email… Why does a green smoothie come FIRST as I change what I eat? I teach classes to people who are beginners in nutrition, eating the Standard American Diet. I teach intermediate classes to those who are more savvy, and even advanced classes… Guest Writer: How to Get Kids to Drink Healthy Green Smoothies This post was contributed with permission by Caitlin Smith. She welcomes your feedback at CaitlinSmith1117 at How to Get Kids to Drink Healthy Green Smoothies If you’ve ever read… you’ve doubled your fiber with GS? double it again with LENTILS! Some foods are highly hypoallergenic. In other words, just about no one is allergic to them. And this is a big deal nowadays where intolerances for wheat and… Green smoothies: they’re just a first step! This is for you, whether you’re *a newbie to GSG trying to kick the SAD (standard American diet) or *you’ve been here plugging along since the start almost two years… being a CONSCIOUS plant eater Yesterday, wow, I sort of mindlessly posted on my Facebook page (find me as Robyn Openshaw-Pay or GreenSmoothieGirl) a group called “No More Blood On My Plate.” Wow. The… An Indian Dahl Recipe for You This is something I like for dinner, and you can make it yellow or green depending on whether you use green split peas or yellow lentils. It’s quick and easy to make. I… green smoothie “tea” for your plants Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: After 2 years of drinking green smoothies I started just 3 months ago rinsing my blender after making smoothies and pouring mixture into a bucket. Then I refill…