Blog Search for: I met Fabio (he hugs HARD) Expo West is the biggest natural-foods trade show in the world, and I’ve just come from there, in Anaheim. It’s a food-sampling heaven. (Or hell. 95 percent of what masquerades… Do all of GSG’s friends drink green smoothies? The answer to that question is NO. Only about 95% of them. A longtime holdout is Kristin, very possibly my best friend, who is a newly single mom and stays… Testimonial Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: The best anti-depressant you taught me about is bee pollen! I started taking it a year ago and got off all my meds! Thank you! —Carolyn Comment from… thoughts on SLEEP Everybody knows sleep is critical. I’m going to hit just bullet points, in this blog, about what I’ve studied about sleep. This used to be a huge issue for me… The NASTIEST green smoothie ever…a war is brewing…and Samantha’s blog Today I filmed inside a closed Good Earth store, where the Wilberts, Cornias, and Total Care Dental got the following fun surprises: $50/week for the next 2 months in groceries… Carrot-Orange Soup Here’s another quick recipe from Chapter 5 of 12 Steps to Whole Foods from last week. I hope you’re thinking about planting a garden this spring–#1 way to save money… Tangy Dill Dressing I love this dressing on Spinach Orzo Ensalata, Christmasy Salad (from Chapter 2 of 12 Steps to Whole Foods), or veggie wraps made with sprouted-wheat tortillas or pitas. Tangy Dill… Introducing the Cornia Family: GreenSmoothieGirl Makeover [part 4 of 4] Our third selection is the video that moved me to tears as I watched it. You know how I feel about young moms. You knew I’d pick a young mom…. Introducing Karen Wilbert, GreenSmoothieGirl Makeover [part 3 of 4] When I watched Karen Wilbert, I turned to Kels and said, “She really touches me. I want to work with her.” I was deeply moved by Karen’s story of six… Introducing the hot women of Total Care Dental: GreenSmoothieGirl Makeover [part 2 of 4] I’m thrilled to work with Total Care Dental for the GreenSmoothieGirl Makeover pilot. Kels, from BlendTec (an amazing filmmaker) calls them the Hot Dental Office. These ladies are hot, no… Announcing three winners: GreenSmoothieGirl Makeover [part 1 of 4] As I mentioned, I got LOTS of video applications. If you wanted to be in our pilot project, and you weren’t selected, please know that if the show takes off… Triglycerides drop from 232 to 82! Cholesterol drops from 199 to 96! Here’s an excerpt of a message I just got on facebook. I am SO pumped to hear stories like Lisa’s, so please send yours through facebook or, and you’ll…