Blog Search for: Food Fad: Tell Me You Didn’t Do the HCG Diet! [VIDEO] Beware. In this new video, I share why you want to stay away from this fad: HCG. You know people who took HCG to lose weight, right? It’s right up… The Beet Virgin [NEW RECIPE] True confessions: “. . . today, I touched and ate a BEET for the first time.” We have a new employee around here, Shanna. She texted GSG staff last week,… 5 Ways To Lose Weight Without Dieting I hate diets. I mean, I really hate them. The suffering. The deprivation. The obsession over portion size, calories, macronutrient ratio. I don’t love diets, because they’re all about deprivation…. Should you be JUICING? Or BLENDING? My answer will shock you! It’s one of my all-time, MOST ASKED questions. Should I juice, like that Fat Sick and Nearly Dead guy did? (Juicing has enjoyed a resurgence… My breakthrough in conquering ANGER Often when I’m telling a story, people say, “Didn’t you get mad?” I like to say, “I don’t participate in that emotion.” Breakthoughs Live is a forum to share our… What’s the Best Diet in the World? One of the most freeing things I’ve ever done is to STOP DIETING. Over 20 years ago. Like you, I’ve been subjected to a barrage of media touting every new… Another Food Fad? Bone Broth! Bone broth cafes are popping up everywhere, and my friend Dr. Kellyann just released her book, The Bone Broth Diet. So what do I think about it? Check out my… My Dressing Your Truth® MAKEOVER! The big REVEAL After my Dressing Your Truth® makeover, Carol brings me out as a TYPE 3SM energy, so that my full expression of my energy is complemented by hair, makeup, clothes, and jewelry…. My Dressing Your Truth® Makeover! Part 1 of 2 Several years ago, Carol Tuttle, a local author and pioneer of the Dressing Your Truth® brand, called me and asked me to lunch. She wanted to do a “celebrity makeover”… Food Fads: Is Red Wine Good For You? It’s become accepted by most of America that “a glass of red wine every night is good for you.” But is it? (If you like to hang onto your opinions,… Eat Right For Your Blood Type {NEW VIDEO} Have you ever heard about people feeling better because they “ate right for their blood type?” In this video I talk about WHY they feel better—even though there’s no science… “It’s Never Just One Thing”—On How I Became PAIN FREE Culminating several short videos on things I’ve done to get rid of my back pain, I hope this is a great summary for you. Back pain is NO FUN. I…