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you’ve doubled your fiber with GS? double it again with LENTILS!

Robyn Openshaw - Jun 25, 2009 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Some foods are highly hypoallergenic.   In other words, just about no one is allergic to them.   And this is a big deal nowadays where intolerances for wheat and milk proteins are going through the roof.   (That’s gluten and lactose intolerances.)   Highly hypoallergenic foods include avocadoes, lentils, brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, figs, and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, etc.).


Lentils have 16 grams of fiber in one cup–wow, right?   That’s six times more than a “serving” of Metamucil, and  slightly more than a quart of green smoothie.   And lentils have tons of iron, folic acid, and protein, too.


They’re so cheap, you can’t possibly complain that “whole foods are too expensive!”   All you have to do is rinse them well, then cover 1 part lentils to 2 parts water.   Bring to a boil, then lower heat and simmer 45 minutes.


Today’s dinner:


I cooked  1.5 dry cups of lentils in  3 cups water.   Then I added two chopped oranges, two chopped red bell peppers, two chopped tomatoes, and some Johnny’s Garlic Spread and Seasoning (from Costco).   Super-easy dinner and yummy.   Even my picky 7-year old liked it.   Didn’t even make a salad–just had a sliced cucumber with it.

Posted in: Health Concerns, Recipes, Whole Food

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