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Why does a green smoothie come FIRST as I change what I eat?

Robyn Openshaw - Jul 01, 2009 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

I teach classes to people who are beginners in nutrition, eating the Standard American Diet.   I teach intermediate classes to those who are more savvy, and even advanced classes in sprouting and fermented foods.

Regardless of where you are, nutritionally, I have found that in every group, people experience profound health benefits by incorporating the green smoothie into their daily routine.   Even 100 percent raw foodist vegans are often mineral deficient because they don’t eat enough greens!

People get so excited when they begin the green smoothie habit–even people known as the “health food nut” in their families who have juiced vegetables for years and don’t eat meat.

Why?   Because making your green smoothie is the highest and best use of your kitchen time.   How else can you spend only 10 minutes in the kitchen and get 15 servings of raw greens and fruit in one quart?   Not only is the prep time 10 minutes or less, from start to cleanup, but a blended drink is quick to drink, too.

And it lets you get lovely, raw, nutritious things you may have never eaten before in your diet, like what I had today: kale, collards, Chinese celery, bok choy, and alfalfa sprouts.

Tips and strategies for how to make them a part of your daily routine inexpensively is covered in detail in Chapter 1 of 12 Steps to Whole Foods.

Start here, with the green smoothie habit, and this will give you more energy.   Then you’ll want even more and you’ll have that excitement to go on to Step 2 . . . and Step 3 . . . and before you know it, you’ll be a GreenSmoothieGirl or Guy and everyone will be saying, “You look fantastic! You’re like a whole different person! How can I do what you’re doing?!”

And then you’ll be the Evangelist . . . spreading the Gospel of Green.   Because once you convert, you’ll never want to go back.   And you’ll want to help everyone you know.

To Your Health,

–Robyn Openshaw


Posted in: 12 Steps To Whole Food

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