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What’s in YOUR fridge? Runners-up! Part 4 of 5

Robyn Openshaw - Apr 22, 2013 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

linda fridge

Linda’s Fridge

linda after

Linda After

linda before

Linda Before

 Linda Widicker in North Dakota tells me that in 2009, she weighed 300 lbs. and had diabetes, arthritis, depression and anxiety, chronic fatigue, and hypothyroidism. She learned about green smoothies, lost 100 lbs., got healthy, and eats a vegan, high-raw diet. Sometimes she struggles with cravings for those old comfort foods and gives in (WHO DOESN’T, RIGHT?), with a recent holiday backslide. She says, “Please cheer me on” as she loses the last 55 lbs. She calls herself a “Green Smoothie Grandma” and we are ECSTATIC that she’s getting control of her life and that her fridge is so AWESOME.


Ashlea’s greens

 Ashlea Brewer in Wilmington, Delaware, has been to GreenSmoothieGirl Coach Karen’s classes and says, “She has changed my life.” She says she is still in process of converting her husband but says, “I will eventually get him to surrender.”

(Dude. Get the white flag out already. She does the shopping. And she has LEVERAGE. We all know what that is.)


Ashlea’s greens washed and stored

Ashlea sent us this photo of greens BEFORE washing and chopping, and the fridge AFTER. Impressive!


Jennifer's Fridge

Jennifer’s Fridge

Jennifer Softley, from Matthews, NC, has five daughters and a new baby boy, and look what she’s found the time to do! My hat is off!

Organic Baby Kale Mix, Organic Spinach Soaked Pinto and Red beans ready to cook, Cooked wild rice

Peanut butter balls w/chia seeds, puffed millet and amaranth, Eggs from our chickens, Flax seeds, ground, Homemade Almond Milk, Organic Peanut Butter, Almond butter, Basil Pesto, Pumpkin Puree, Organic unsweetened applesauce, Dates, Mushrooms, Wheat germ, Cream Cheese, Shredded Parm, Mozzarella Cheese, Dinosaur Kale, organic Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts, Zucchini, Celery, Cilantro, Organic baby carrots, Red cabbage, Green cabbage, Onion, Organic Maple Syrup, Sour cream, Cottage cheese

susan's fridge

Susan’s Fridge

And one fun “runner-up” in the NOT-QUITE-AS-GREAT fridge photos. Susan Radvansky shares that the Lightning McQueen car is the most important thing in the fridge since OBVIOUSLY the fridge is an awesome place to play.

She’s got frozen Brussels sprouts her husband won’t touch.  “Nuggets” (does she mean “chicken” nuggets?–which have ground beaks, feathers, and guts, by the way) that have been freezer-burned for a year. Frozen tilapia. (Is that a type of fish? Yours truly, a vegetable lover, doesn’t recognize it as a plant food.) There’s two-year old frozen pot pies. A half-used container of frosting. String cheese. Hot dogs we can’t see but which she confesses to. Milk, commercial dressings, and rancid fish oil.

Well, wherever we’re at, that’s where we are today but not where we have to be tomorrow–or the next time we shop. Thanks for all the fun peering inside your kitchens, and letting me tease some of you here on the blog.


Posted in: Whole Food

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