What saves you time in your whole-food kitchen?
I would like to solicit the help of all you kitchen geniuses on a couple of topics for next year’s release of the printed version of 12 Steps to Whole Foods. Today’s topic: what saves you time in your kitchen? Some things may not be the absolute ultimate, nutritionally (see a few that I’ve used as examples below), but they save time and therefore break down the time barrier to creating a whole-food meal. We DON’T want to save time by tossing hot dogs on the dinner table–but we DO want you to save time by using pre-minced bottled raw garlic instead of rolling, peeling, and tiny-chopping every clove, every day. Everybody contribute an idea or two here, okay?
–Freezing greens or use frozen spinach when it’s not in season, in green smoothies.
–Buy a jar of minced, fresh garlic you get at Walmart (or other grocery stores).
–Buy a $10 electric citrus juicer and juice a whole bag of Costco lemons, freezing 2 Tbsp. portions in an ice cube tray. Chop the peels in 8 pieces and freeze them in a baggie, using a chunk every day in your GS.
–Drain and crack open a whole case or two of young Thai coconuts at a time. Freeze the meet in sandwich baggies and freeze the juice in pint jars in the quantities you use for your favorite 12 Steps recipes.
Posted in: 12 Steps To Whole Food, Relationships, Whole Food
I make big batches of beans and brown rice and freeze them in one or 2 cup amounts. then i take out one of those old candle warmer things (black simple base) and put my little round tupperware on it in the morning and they are slowly warmed and ready for lunch!
i also plan a weekly menu and cut all produce when we get home so it’s ready to grab for snacks
You said you do freeze greens longer than the recommended two months. So how long is this and what is your method of freezing. I read someone uses freezer baggies, but I was thinking vacuum sealer. Also, what nutrients are lost in freezing? We have bought a full garden share this year and are already busting with fresh greens. We use them everyday, but I would like to preserve the excess the best way possible for use this winter. Any tips would be appreciated.