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I’m back from Europe! The GreenSmoothieGirl Law of Physics. . . part 1 of 2

Robyn Openshaw - Aug 18, 2008 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: How will I find the time to follow your program?

On this site, and in my book, I often preach to the unbelieving a certain principle.   It can be an uphill battle to get people to buy into my counterintuitive principle of physics until they give it a try.   And that GreenSmoothieGirl Law of Physics is, an expediture of energy yields more energy.


People are always saying to me, “I just don’t want to spend any time in the kitchen: I’m exhausted at the end of the day and don’t have the energy for it!”   Many folks have gotten in the “energy conservation” habit, of carefully doling out their limited energy for just the most basic of life activities (sleep, eat, work, start over), all while watching with great horror that energy pool ever shrinking.


Readers of know what I say, and I will repeat it here.   A minute of kitchen time, eating the way I teach you to prepare food, yields two minutes of newfound energy.   Time freed up that you used to spend in a depressed funk, or worse, oversleeping.   Eating a GreenSmoothieGirl diet gives you quantifiable gains in energy that open up a whole new world of service opportunities, goal achievement, fun, the ability to invest in new and old relationships, and the disappearance of “energy conservation.”


And I say, like with spiritual faith, if you can’t believe that?   Just experiment upon the word.   Simply try it and tell me if I’m wrong.   Don’t do it for two weeks, where everything is new and at first things take you longer.   Commit to making my recipes for several months, because the learning curve flattens and you’ll finally understand what I’m talking about (as many have attested to in blogs).   For anyone who begins this journey seriously ill, you may need to give this experiment a full year to see the gains clearly.  

You think that spending a resource, causing that same resource to double, is simply not scientific?   For the sake of the semantic debate, even before you put it to the test if you haven’t already, let’s compare it to three other arenas in life, to lower your cognitive dissonance.   Those three comparisons tomorrow.

Posted in: 12 Steps To Whole Food, Mind/Body Connection

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