Good, Better, Best: Oils and Pastas
Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: What are the good oils, and what are the bad ones? And how about pasta?
Worst oils: shortening, lard, margarine. Also refined canola, safflower, vegetable, soy, peanut, corn oils.
Good oils: unrefined almond, borage, evening primrose, cod liver, butter (in small amounts)
Better oils: coconut, flaxseed, palm, extra virgin olive oils Best oils: same as in the “better” list, but organic
Worst pasta: durum/semolina/white/enriched pastas of all kinds
Good pasta: whole wheat
Better pasta: organic whole grain of any kind
Best pasta: organic quinoa, spelt, or Kamut
Posted in: Whole Food
do you by chance take Cod Liver oil for Vitamin D or anything? we are Dairy Free and they just came out with higher Vitamin D recommended doses–even for Breastfed babies and I think I’ll be pressured into giving my 4 mo old daughter supplement drops soon–and don’t know if i feel good about this—–during the winter do you take something for Vitamin D? (are there any risks of mercury content with the cod oil? and if I took it would I need to use less flax seed?!) thanks!
What about ghee? It’s different from butter.
It’s clarified butter, with the milk solids removed (through heat).