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What’s The Best Way to Get Omegas? Fish Oil? Nooooo!

Robyn Openshaw - Updated: March 15, 2024 - - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Photo of sprouted flax seed from "What’s The Best Way to Get Omegas? Fish Oil? Nooooo!" by Green Smoothie Girl

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are “essential” because our bodies do not produce them; we must get them from food on a regular basis.

These fats, also called “Omegas,” are excellent for neurological health and cardiovascular health. If you ask most Americans how they get their EFA Omega 3 benefits, you’ll most likely be told “fish oil pills.” But fish oil pills are NOT the best way to get your Omegas!

In the article:

Is Fish Oil Good For You?

Photo of fish oil capsules from "What’s The Best Way to Get Omegas? Fish Oil? Nooooo!" by Green Smoothie Girl

Fish oil pills are rancid, “purified,” deodorized, processed oils that do us no good.

Fish oil pills are the #1 supplement in America. Like lemmings rushing off the cliff, we’re all swallowing billions of dollars in rancid, “purified,” deodorized, processed oils that do us no good, according to the research.1

It’s such a lucrative business that some of the waterways in the world are being severely depleted.

We’re seeing a shift in the manufacturing marketplace to krill oil, where there is a high supply and perhaps fewer issues with sourcing and rancidity.

However, that doesn’t address the problem with krill and other fish-oil sources being from waterways polluted with mercury and other toxins.

And guess what: a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute shows a dramatically higher risk of developing prostate cancer if you eat fish oil.2 The oils may fight inflammation, but they also create oxidative damage to DNA in cells.

Fish oil isn’t worth it!

With sprouted seeds, you'll feel the difference in your body! Because every one of your cells needs omega-3s. Stock up today, up to 25% off!

The Best Whole-Food Source for Omegas

Flax has long been treasured as the best plant-based source for Omega Essential Fatty Acids, and many people purchase flax in seed or oil form.

Photo of hand holding sprouted flax from "What’s The Best Way to Get Omegas? Fish Oil? Nooooo!" by Green Smoothie Girl

Sprouting allows the nutrients to become available for absorption, and creating a living superfood!

But the BEST way to get Omegas from flax is by sprouting it.

Why is sprouted flax better than flaxseed or flax oil? Flaxseed, even when milled, is poorly absorbed unless sprouted—seeds have natural enzyme inhibitors to prevent digestion. Sprouting eliminates these inhibitors, allowing the nutrients to become available for absorption, and creating a living superfood!

And there are more benefits to sprouting flax seed:

  • Sprouting stabilizes the abundant essential fatty acids in the seed, which not only increases absorption, but also decreases the chances of rancidity, unlike flax oil which must be refrigerated and used quickly. Flax that is sprouted and ground can have a shelf life of many years!
  • Sprouting biologically activates the seed, unlocking and greatly increasing its vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other micronutrients, transforming it into a living superfood. On average, vitamins increase 500% compared to non-sprouted flaxseed Vitamin C and vitamin E can increase more than 900% when sprouted.
  • Sprouted flaxseed has double the antioxidant value of non-sprouted flaxseed.
  • Sprouting increases flax’s soluble-to-insoluble fiber ratio to a very rare 50/50, resulting in enhanced nutrient absorption, reduced food cravings, and sustained energy while providing gut-healthy bulk for digestive tract support.
  • Lignans can increase as much as 14% during sprouting. Lignans have outstanding antioxidant properties and may help regulate hormone levels, support the immune system, and reduce the stress hormone cortisol.

So why isn’t everyone sprouting their flax?  Flax seeds (and other “mucilaginous” seeds like chia) are notoriously difficult to sprout and use, because they can get gummy if you soak them too long. I’ve done it to make my Sprouted Flax Crackers, so I know they can be tricky to work with.

Photo of GreenSmoothieGirl's Sprouted Ground Flax Seed and Tri-Omega Superfood from "What’s The Best Way to Get Omegas? Fish Oil? Nooooo!" by Green Smoothie Girl

GreenSmoothieGirl's Sprouted Ground Flax Seed and Tri-Omega Superfood

That’s why I developed an organic sprouted flax product that is germinated, gently dried to preserve the live nutrients, and then cold-ground into a rich powder that is easy to use.

This is fresh, sprouted, plant-based Omegas, with all the vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber in whole food, not rancid, deodorized, capsules of cooked fish oil that has been in the supply chain an average of 9 months when you swallow it.

I also created our organic TriOmega product to include the benefits of sprouted chia and broccoli seeds for optimal amounts of those tricky-to-get, all-important Essential Fatty Acids, but in whole-food form.3 It’s just organic, sprouted ground flax seed, chia seed, and broccoli seed! That’s all.

Either of these very special Omega-rich products are a great addition to your green smoothie, your homemade granola, and in baked goods.

It’s an easy way to store living, sprouted foods against the future, and against emergencies.

Flax is a miracle health food. For less than $2 a serving. Stock up for up to 25% off, this month only!

Read Next: Chia Seed vs. Flax Seed: Similarities, Differences, and When To Use Each

Photograph of Robyn Openshaw, founder of Green Smoothie GirlRobyn Openshaw, MSW, is the bestselling author of The Green Smoothies Diet, 12 Steps to Whole Foods, and 2017’s #1 Amazon Bestseller and USA Today Bestseller, Vibe. Learn more about how to make the journey painless, from the nutrient-scarce Standard American Diet, to a whole-foods diet, in her free video masterclass 12 Steps to Whole Foods.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that help support the GSG mission without costing you extra. I recommend only companies and products that I use myself.

Photo of sprouted flax seed with post's text from "What’s The Best Way to Get Omegas? Fish Oil? Nooooo!" by Green Smoothie Girl



  1. Greene, J., Ashburn, S. M., Razzouk, L., & Smith, D. A. (2013). Fish Oils, Coronary Heart Disease, and the Environment. American Journal of Public Health, 103(9), 1568–1576.
  2. Brasky Theodore M., Darke Amy K., Song Xiaoling, Tangen Catherine M., Goodman Phyllis J.., Thompson Ian M., Meyskens Frank L., Goodman Gary E., Minasian Lori M., Parnes Howard L., Klein Eric A., Kristal Alan R. Plasma phospholipid fatty acids and prostate cancer risk in the SELECT trial. Journal of the National Cancer Institute2013;105:1132–1141
  3. Zhang, Y., Talalay, P., Cho, C. G., & Posner, G. H. (1992). A major inducer of anticarcinogenic protective enzymes from broccoli: isolation and elucidation of structure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 89(6), 2399–2403.

Posted in: High-Vibe Living, Supplements, Tools & Products, Whole Food

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