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{VIDEO} My Most-Famous Recipe…Do Not Miss This!

Robyn Openshaw - Sep 20, 2016 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

I want to share this incredible recipe with you…plus a BUNCH more that we’ve become known for since 2007. All of them are my favorite, whole-foods breakfast recipes. It’s on me, today. Enjoy!

You’d think that a green smoothie recipe would be the one that the MOST people have copied, and adopted into their permanent repertoire of super-healthy, super-delicious, easy habits.

But it’s not! This is one of just a few most-popular GreenSmoothieGirl recipes. I’ve had people come up to me on the street and say, “I love Hot Pink!”

The beets purify your blood, the carrots actually tan your skin (or they have a similar effect) and strengthen your eyesight, plus about 100 other things that carotenoid antioxidants are famous for.

Hot Pink Breakfast Smoothie

Yes, my favorite breakfast, the Hot Pink Breakfast Smoothie, which I’ve had several times a week, for over 15 years–has raw carrots and beets in it.

And you won’t believe it. Because it’s pure deliciousness. Every one of my four kiddos loves it.

I had a boyfriend once who didn’t. So I dumped him. (Kidding. Not kidding. He didn’t like my Chocolate Beet Cake either.)

So we did this quickie video demo for you, and I hope you find yet another way to get radical nutrition in your life that cannot be bought in a pill.

My ways are cheap, easy, and yummy. (Well, cheap–they’re a lot cheaper than a heart attack.)

Enjoy the recipes by getting them here! And feel free to share this post with people you love. Because we SHARE good news with people we ADORE.

The good news is:

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be miserable. I eat as much now, and enjoy it just as much, as when I was 206 pounds. Why? Two reasons:

One, I discovered easy, awesome recipes that replaced my junk food. Two, the more whole foods I ate, the more my tastes actually changed!

York Peppermint Patties don’t taste good to me any more. Ben&Jerry’s Cookie Dough ice cream isn’t tempting any more.

True story. I want this for you.

Don’t forget to grab my favorite BREAKFAST recipes…made from 100% whole foods. This Hot Pink Breakfast Smoothie is just one of them. Don’t miss the Sprouted Buckwheat Blueberry Pancakes, and my family’s favorite weekender breakfast, Pumpkin Waffles…perfect for Fall coming up!

Posted in: Green Smoothies, Recipes, Whole Food

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