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My kids are constipated, what do I do?

Robyn Openshaw - Aug 23, 2011 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: “My kids are constipated and the doctor prescribed Miralax. What do I do?”

My answer on video here!

Posted in: Green Smoothies, Relationships, Videos, Whole Food

4 thoughts on “My kids are constipated, what do I do?”

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  1. My kids used to be constipated too, and my pediatrician told me to put miralax in gatorade. I did this for a couple of months but worried so much about what I was doing. I realized that there had to be a better way. It took a lot of resolve and commitment but I made a dramatic change in our diets, threw out all white bread and processed foods, introduced more fruits, veggies, water, and green smoothies like Robyn says and sure enough no more constipation!

  2. Anonymous says:

    My best friend is an ER nurse at Colorado Children’s Hospital. I am always horrified and disappointed at the same time at the stories she tells me of all constipated kids she sees and has to treat with enemas. When the parents ask why their kids are constipated, her answer is always the same: “Because you feed her french fries, white bread, chicken nuggets, hamburgers, pizza, and other processed crap. You are the parent, she is the child. Stop feeding her like you’re placating her!”

    It angers her to no end to see these kids in so much pain because of horrible constipation. There’s just no good reason for it.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I have a 22 month old on miralax every other day so he can poop! He has been such a picky eater and usually hardly eats at all so in the past, I have been willing to give him almost anything he wants just so he eats something!! I have never seen him put something green in his mouth without immidiately spitting it out. The only fruit he seems to eat is grapes and occasionally blueberries. It is getting rediculous and I am putting a stop to it. Any suggestions on how I can make the change?

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Katie, the best way is to just stop feeding him foods that are not nutritious. He won’t starve himself. 🙂 Good foods TASTE good after we’ve started out addictions to chemicals (i.e., sugar, salt, MSG, etc.).

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