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Mother’s Day Blueberry Dessert

Green Smoothie Girl - May 09, 2011 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

The more you eat raw food, the simpler it becomes. When I’m by myself, what I eat at home tends to be bare-bones, if I’m not in restaurants with friends. But when I have a Sunday dinner for my family, or a special occasion, I make it fancier. I’m not always the greatest at planning ahead, so sometimes I open the fridge and make something up, based on one ingredient I’d like to use.

Yesterday my two youngest kids made a lovely Mother’s Day dinner. I had a quick brainstorm about how to make the two pints of blueberries (currently in season) in the fridge into a dessert.

I put some young Thai coconut meat (1/2 cup?) and coconut liquid (1/2 cup?) into my BlendTec, with a little lemon juice (1 Tbsp?) and agave (2 Tbsp?), plus some cashews (1/3 cup?) and 6 frozen strawberries. I whizzed it up into a cream sauce and served it with ½ cup blueberries in each of five crystal glasses as a parfait. Yum, everyone gobbled it up.

(I put question marks after the measurements because I didn’t measure, so these are guesses—don’t hold me to them!)

Posted in: Recipes

4 thoughts on “Mother’s Day Blueberry Dessert”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    They look great! I will have to try it! Why is the mixture not red from the strawberries? Anytime I put strawberries or beets into something it turns pink or red…..

  2. Anonymous says:

    Sounds delicious Robyn.
    What is the difference between Young Thai Coconut meat and standard coconuts? Can you substitute one for the other – can’t say I’ve seen the former for sale here in the UK.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Looks so Goood!!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Robyn, My friend and I have tickets to your class in St. George this week. My friend now cannot go and I was wondering if my husband can use her tickets instead? If he shows up with her ticket will he be let in? Thanks!

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