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[Demo] The Only Green Smoothie Recipe You’ll Ever Need: The Green Smoothie Template!

Robyn Openshaw - Updated: May 20, 2024 - - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Photo of Robyn Openshaw blending a smoothie from "[Demo] The Only Green Smoothie Recipe You'll Ever Need: The Green Smoothie Template!" blog post by Green Smoothie Girl

You're going to love this! I have a new present for you!

We’ve got the first, last, and ONLY green smoothie template you’ll ever need. This is how I've gone RECIPE-FREE!

In this article:

The Green Smoothie Guide

Simply print our Green Smoothie Guide, an infinitely-adaptable chart. You’ve got simple ratios, so you can mix-and-match all liquid bases, greens, fruits, superfoods, and proteins. Everything you’ve been meaning to get in your diet, and some already in your pantry!

Get them ALL in your 10-minute daily blend, and never throw any healthy ingredient out, ever again!

Our guide is a perfect resource to help you use what you already have on hand to come up with a whole world of new smoothies. You'll blend up combinations you never even dreamed of!

You’ll want to tape this guide inside your kitchen cupboard. Share with a friend! Print an extra to keep in your car, for shopping. This is the ultimate organizer I use, to rotate a wide variety of superfoods, for digestive health, immune strength, and optimal weight.

delicious fruits

(The Green Smoothie Guide shows you an easy tip, how to ditch 10 pounds in one month, if you’ve got 10# to lose! While improving your health in dozens of ways, and detoxing, to boot!)

Follow this Green Smoothie Guide daily, and you’ll get 1,000% more nutrition, as well as more fiber, in just 10 minutes a day and one meal, than the average American gets in an entire day!

Plus you’ll have easy tricks up your sleeve to ditch inflammation, strengthen immunity, increase your protein (without animal products, that contain all the nitrates and steroids and antibiotics and hormones), put your energy through the roof, and boost brain-healthy fats! This ninja recipe has a quick reference list to superfood add-ins to make you superhuman, in a matter of weeks.

Do you want to make sure you're getting the highest-antioxidant foods on the planet, in your smoothies? Maybe you have some in your pantry, but you don't know what to do with them. You can't think of a way to get them in your diet, and how much to use--never fear, because this Green Smoothie Guide is going to be your one-page, most powerful nutrition tool you've ever had!

Super Foods for You to Use!

Amla fruit
Amla fruit has the highest concentration of antioxidants on the planet!

Grab the Green Smoothie Guide, and stock up on superfoods like these 6 favorite superfoods of mine, because now you'll have a systematized way to use them for fantastic health:

- Amla (highest concentration of antioxidants on the planet, bitter/sour when eaten plain, you won't notice it in your smoothies)

- Raw cacao (chocolate goodness without the junk added, also an antioxidant powerhouse)

- Bee pollen (immune stimulant, anti-allergies)

Hand-fileted aloe is a powerful ingredient on the Green Smoothie Guide!

Organic, hand-fileted aloe vera (75 immune-boosting phytochemicals)

Turmeric (or curcumin, the extract), your best natural anti-inflammatory

Sprouted organic flaxseed (best way to get essential fatty acids)

Plus, your smoothies will taste amazing! This one magical recipe guide is the antidote to Boring Smoothie Burnout! We recommend your quart-a-day ninja smoothie as a meal replacement, and our one-page system lets you use ALL those items you bought at the health food store and can’t figure out what to do with!

Plus you’ll have a satisfying meal, made in just minutes, that lasts till your next meal--and blows the lid off your energy, zest for life, and productivity!

Click here to grab the Green Smoothie Guide--and check out my demo video once you download it! I've shown you HOW to use the Green Smoothie Guide, and I'll also give you my video on how to make Rejuvelac as the base of that smoothie, to improve your gut health (and overall digestion).


Read Next: How To Make A Green Smoothie: The Foolproof Guide

Photograph of Robyn Openshaw, founder of Green Smoothie GirlRobyn Openshaw, MSW, is the bestselling author of The Green Smoothies Diet, 12 Steps to Whole Foods, and 2017’s #1 Amazon Bestseller and USA Today Bestseller, Vibe. Learn more about how to make the journey painless, from the nutrient-scarce Standard American Diet, to a whole-foods diet, in her free video masterclass 12 Steps to Whole Foods.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that help support the GSG mission without costing you extra. I recommend only companies and products that I use myself.

Photo of Robyn Openshaw blending a smoothie from "[Demo] The Only Green Smoothie Recipe You'll Ever Need: The Green Smoothie Template!" blog post by Green Smoothie Girl

Posted in: Green Smoothies, Recipes, Videos

5 thoughts on “[Demo] The Only Green Smoothie Recipe You’ll Ever Need: The Green Smoothie Template!”

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  1. Cindy May says:

    NO 🙂 I don’t want you to think I’m mocking you. If you run across it on the blog, Robyn answered that question back then. It’s not the oxylates that cause kidney stones. (I’m not quoting her–just speaking for myself and summarizing what I think I remember her saying). It’s the other 99% of toxic stuff we put in our bodies and on our bodies that cause kidney stones.

    I think I remember her saying only one man had kidney stones and questioned if it was the spinach in the smoothies. And she wanted to ask him (in a kind way) what the other parts of his diet were. What his hygeine and cleaning products he was using. There’s no one to one correlation between spinach and kidney stones. And if you are concerned, you can do a kidney flush (or gall bladder flush or liver flush) and see the thousands of stones that are already there come out of those organs. Then you know you’re starting out clean.

    And I don’t think it will go the other direction! We all have stones. (not good). It’s just a matter of how big they get and how problematic they get. If they’re not a problem right now, get ’em out. It’s not painful. A woman in a facebook group held up a pint jar (Thats 16 ounces or 2 cups) of the stones she had gotten out of one of her organs. Oh. my. word. She had no pain, just wanted to be preventative. The harder stones are older. The first ones to come out are not as hard. If you get some that are spongy or just not hard at all, they’re on the brand new side. I don’t know how old you are, but you could really entertain your kids at the kitchen table if you first educate them (eye-rolling), and then impress them with your own quart of stones–if you do all 3 organs! It’s only a 24 hour process, and I know tons of women who have done it. And lastly, if you eat all that spinach, you can make your kids call you Popeye!!! 🙂

    Costco has organic power greens that we use–already washed. I think it’s kale, spinach and collards. Each package weighs 1.5 pounds and I put 1 put at least .5 pound in each smoothie. They also have organic frozen mixed fruits, organic bananas (They have to be used fast–or else frozen for later banana/peanut butter icecream making!)

    Now that I’ve written ALL that, I hope you do the flush until no more stones come out (not sure if you have to leave time in between flushes) and then see if you ever have a kidney stone problem. I highly doubt you ever will. And you’ll have squeaky clean organs!!

  2. Victoria says:

    The one thing I don’t understand about the Green Smoothies is when and/or why would you add Protein to the mix. I don’t see it on any of the charts or anything.

    1. Rose Butler GSG says:

      Hi Victoria, thanks for your question. This particular smoothie recipe does not call for adding protein powder to it but you absolutely can. You can add our GSG plant based protein powder or an organic, clean vegan protein powder of your choice right after Step 3.

  3. Maya Lee says:

    I try this recipe with celery and kayle add it with my smoothie. I didn’t like the pulp, it has alot of pulp in the smoothie and wasn’t able to drink it..

  4. Kendra Hartwig says:

    In the video just after she added the water and before she added the tiny cukes it is obvious there was protein powder in the water. Also, there was bag of her protein powder on the counter yet it was never mentioned. Can you tell us why ?

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