Category: Whole Food Search for: 4 Rules to Eat Carbs with NO Weight Gain You’ve heard that carbs are the enemy. Nothing could be further than the truth, despite what the latest diet fads want you to believe. Many carbohydrates do, in fact, spike… {VIDEO} My Most-Famous Recipe…Do Not Miss This! I want to share this incredible recipe with you…plus a BUNCH more that we’ve become known for since 2007. All of them are my favorite, whole-foods breakfast recipes. It’s on… How to NEVER Eat a GMO Food Again! What is a GMO, and why should you take 3 minutes right now to get educated about it? First of all, I’ve made you an easily printed card to cut… You Can Lose Weight and Save Money Too? So many people think that to lose weight they have to spend a lot of money. And there are certainly ways to spend a lot in that process. It’s a… 5 Ways To Lose Weight Without Dieting I hate diets. I mean, I really hate them. The suffering. The deprivation. The obsession over portion size, calories, macronutrient ratio. I don’t love diets, because they’re all about deprivation…. Should you be JUICING? Or BLENDING? My answer will shock you! It’s one of my all-time, MOST ASKED questions. Should I juice, like that Fat Sick and Nearly Dead guy did? (Juicing has enjoyed a resurgence… What’s the Best Diet in the World? One of the most freeing things I’ve ever done is to STOP DIETING. Over 20 years ago. Like you, I’ve been subjected to a barrage of media touting every new… Another Food Fad? Bone Broth! Bone broth cafes are popping up everywhere, and my friend Dr. Kellyann just released her book, The Bone Broth Diet. So what do I think about it? Check out my… Food Fads: Is Red Wine Good For You? It’s become accepted by most of America that “a glass of red wine every night is good for you.” But is it? (If you like to hang onto your opinions,… Pink smoothie still rocks my world. And keeps your gut healthy! It’s my most-requested recipe, and it’s not even green! My hot pink breakfast smoothie is loaded with root vegetables. Don’t forget about those ROOT vegetables that have such great carotenoid… How Does Bone Broth Fit in My Healthy Diet? I’ve sidestepped the raw / vegan debate all these years and watched these fads with a long-range view. Very frankly, I’ve eaten 60%+ raw, and 95%+ vegetarian, vegan for 20… The Paleo Diet: What Is It, Really? I’ve never gotten more hate email than when I wrote, last year, about why the Paleo Diet isn’t even relevant to paleolithic man’s diet, and isn’t particularly healthy in some…