Category: Health Concerns Search for: Triglycerides drop from 232 to 82! Cholesterol drops from 199 to 96! Here’s an excerpt of a message I just got on facebook. I am SO pumped to hear stories like Lisa’s, so please send yours through facebook or, and you’ll… Age spots disappearing! I’m in Africa from Dec. 27 until Jan. 8, but while I’m gone, Chris is posting some fun letters I have received lately. Here’s one I think you’ll like. I… How My Grama Beat Stage 3 Cancer Some of you know my story. Its beginnings were watching my grandmother say “no thanks” to chemo/radiation and choose something else, in 1980. Check out what I told SunWarrior about… Testimonial: green smoothies, whole foods, Crohn’s disease I started drinking green smoothies everyday about a year and a half ago. My neighbor told me about them and I attended your class in Idaho Falls. My son was… My Friend Drinks Green Smoothies, Loses Weight, Addresses Diabetic Issues I have a close friend who rents my basement apartment. Jean is a 46-year old mom of 3 and a Type 1 diabetic since age 16. As with all of… My daughter asks, “Why do we get sick?” Dear Mom: “Why do we get colds? Why did I get this cold and you didn’t?” Answer: (This question came from my 13 y.o. daughter, my most resistant healthy eater…. Mid-life crisis? Forget that! Mid-Life Mojo, part 1 of 2 One thing that frustrates me is when people my age forget something, or can’t keep up with their kids physically or whatever, and they say versions of this: “Well, I’m… how much does your medical care cost? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: You say if we drink a quart of green smoothie daily for $2.50 according to your calculations, that 12-15 servings of raw greens and fruit just might save… Young moms make tough decisions about their babies’ nutrition! I received this email from a health care practitioner who is a young mother. As I replied to her, it occurred to me that maybe these comments would be helpful… Raw green food and kidney stones I have more requests to address oxalates. It’s another one of those “they” things: first they tell us greens are good for us, and then they tell us oxalates will… natural infertility treatments One of my first blog entries when I put this site up two years ago was about my infertility story. I forget about it sometimes, since I have four wonderful… Class in Midway: Part 2 of 2 So a few hours before my morning class in Midway, I went out for a run, and the concrete jumped up and tripped me. I was headed downhill, and my…