Category: Green Smoothies Search for: Let me help your kids with an incentive to drink their green smoothies! Desiree Ward is catering our VIP class on April 7. We are very excited to explore 5 power nutrition habits, to help you get off your green-smoothie plateau and climb… Green Smoothies taking Utah Legislature by storm? On March 5, by invitation, I spoke to the spouses of the Utah State Legislature. Some of them are longtime GSG readers. Stan Lockhart, whose wife Becky is the Speaker… 45 Years Old…..but not “post-prime” yet! Thank you for all the birthday wishes on Facebook a week ago! I am officially 45 years old but I have never felt better. I have taken several days off… The Latest Green Smoothie Debate: Part 3 of 3 That your stomach is full of low calories and high nutrition, after your quart of green smoothie, means you didn’t eat something else. Something worse. Both are great for different… The Latest Green Smoothie Debate: Part 2 of 3 In addition to that formalized piece of research, we have had thousands of testimonials mailed to the site, and I’ve spoken in 2011 to 50 live audiences of approximately … The Latest Green Smoothie Debate: Part 1 of 3 Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: Somebody on the internet says they don’t recommend green smoothies because apparently the fiber is too broken down. And the fruit causes blood sugar to spike. Please prove… Is more than one quart of green smoothie too much? “Can you get too much green smoothie?” I did a video answering this question here: Watch this video on YouTube Video: Margaret Says Green Smoothies Brought Her Hearing Back—and Its Effect on Lupus? Check out what Margaret told me after my class in Carlsbad, California. She is an elegant, classy lady who has more than her share of suffering from systemic lupus and… I Need to Gain Some Weight: Part 2 of 3 But some of the uber-thin are actually not digesting food and are quite unhealthy. They might be eating as much junk as the overweight people are, but because of chronic… I need to gain some weight! Part 1 of 3 Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: I have a slight dilemma: we have been working toward a whole foods lifestyle and I have 12 Steps to Whole Foods. I have a supportive husband who… Nutrition is Usually a Gradual Process of Changes and Improvement! I think it’s important you know how gradual my health changes were. Because I don’t want you to be discouraged if you like how you feel eating whole foods, but… Texas Tour, Part 5: Wendy and Janet in Austin, Young Moms Serving Health As Kristin says, our Texas trip was “pure abundance.” She and I always talk about relationships that are “all good things,” versus relationships or activities or thoughts that are scarcity-oriented…