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The Feldman Kids Write Me about Green Smoothie Love

Robyn Openshaw - May 02, 2012 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

A letter I got recently that I love and thought you’d enjoy:

Hello, we are the Feldmann kids!

Mom started making green smoothies in Winter of 2009. We all thought she was crazy. Zane drank the heck out of them. Ashley (the oldest) enjoyed them as long as Mom made them.

The two girls, Faith and Hannah, took a while to realize Mom was not giving up, and we now help with making them.

We have to include Dad, even though he is not pictured and not part of this. There is not one vegetable he will eat. But he enjoys the green smoothies and wants one daily! We’re proud of him.

We are also proud to say that we have not missed school for any illnesses this year. We believe that Green Smoothies played a huge role in this!

Here’s to green smoothies and Mom. Thanks for caring so much about us and our health.

a healthy family with green smoothies

Faith, Hannah & Zane Feldmann, age 10

and Big Sister Ashley Age 21

Posted in: Green Smoothies

5 thoughts on “The Feldman Kids Write Me about Green Smoothie Love”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Hi Robin,

    Loved this! I was featured in a blog recently and wanted to share with you and feel free to share with others if you like. My husband and I ALWAYS start off our day with a green smoothie and the dogs love theirs too! Yours was the first book I got when I went raw,vegan over two years ago (diet has changed a bit) but still high raw and mainly veggies. I am registered to attend your Atlanta, GA seminar and look forward to meeting you. I have shared your book out to several people and in turn they purchased a Vitamix and incorporating GS into their daily regime. I educate the GS wherever I go and am sometimes asked in stores what do I do to look so good and healthy. BINGO! Green Smoothie time education! I love it! Enjoy!


    Kibby Miller

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hi Robyn,

    So I just wanted to say that I’m a 16 year old girl who loves you and your smoothies. I drink a glass of water and a half quart of green for breakfast and I am ready to go. For lunch I have veggies fruit and greek yogurt (my guilty dairy pleasure), and for dinner i always have as much green smoothie as I can fit and then some dinner my mother cooked. My friends sort of tease me for my eating habits and say I’m deprived, but at the end of the day I’m the one still kicking after 6 hours of ballet while the other girls are exhausted.

    I’m a dancer and I am in advanced conditioning and I’m in fantastic shape since starting the “green”. My muscle tone has really enhanced this year and I have tried to cut out most of my meat and dairy this year. Just goes to show the plants, seeds, and beans have all the protein a teenage girl could need. My performance has improved so much! i wish i had discovered greensmoothies sooner.



    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      GO Jessica, so proud of you!!

  3. This looks like my family!

    I have a sort of related question. I’ve been using agave in my smoothies but recently found this article: and wondered your thoughts on it? Is it becoming too close to HFC?? I hope not because I’ve been telling everyone to use it! LOL!

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Kristy, look under Articles on my site. I wrote a major paper on it. We are overhauling the site soon—relaunch—or I’d find the link and give it to you, but it might be broken when we transition.

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