Category: Detox Search for: Creative Health Institute, part 3 of 5 Here’s a video of Ed and me. He makes a living selling processed food, and he came to CHI because his mom paid for it and told him to go…. Creative Health Institute: Part 2 of 5 Here’s a video of our teacher, Madeleine, talking about Rejuvelac, and a great idea for green smoothies—and the “banya” by the Coldwater Creek that is my favorite part of the… Creative Health Institute, part 1 of 5 I’m home from Hodunk, Michigan! I’ve just returned from a phenomenal experience at Creative Health Institute, in Hodunk, Michigan. It’s my first stop in a tour over the next year… All I Think About is Cancer: On “Quacks” I had a lovely lunch yesterday with reader who is a documentary filmmaker. After reading all of your comments on this blog series this week, she wrote me, “I think… Are Hot Dogs as Bad for You as Cigarettes? Thanks to alert reader Lowana, for sending me this article about hot dogs. I think the very first nutrition study I read in my 20’s was about childhood cancer. The… Dear GreenSmoothieGirl for Arizona, part 3 of 4 Jenny B: I feel sick if I eat ANY cooked food. (She catalogues her diet and laments how difficult it is to stay almost all raw.) Will I always have… My comments about preventive antibiotics, part 1 of 3 Disclaimer: I’m really conservative and avoid antibiotics, but I don’t tell people not to do what their doc says. I have strong opinions about antibiotics (AB’s) because of my experiences… Happy Mother’s Day! on prenatal vitamins Mothers do the greatest work in the world! On this day, I’d like to say how thankful I am that Kincade, Emma, Mary Elizabeth, and Tennyson made me a mom,… Training for Green Smoothie Smackdown: wheat-grass juice overdose? So Jillene of Total Care Dental and I are gonna do Green Smoothie Smackdown on Weds. night after my class in Orem. On camera. If you’re coming to that class,… The Rest of the Story with Rich the Pharmacist. Part 2 of 2. I don’t buy that baloney. (In more ways than one.) If you eat hot dogs and soda on a regular basis, you’re almost certainly spending lots of money on doctor… green smoothies the best way to lose weight EVER 850 of you, my friends, are going strong on the detox, and I hope you’re enjoying the rewards of it and not suffering from too many “overloaded systems” issues! I… “I love my body,” part 4 of 4 Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: “Should I do a cleanse, and what products should I use?” Answer: I think hardcore colon cleanses are something you should do only a few times in a…