Blog Search for: My boy makes green smoothies to impress hot girls Last night my 18-year old son had some hot girls from his school over to…..wait for it….do a green smoothie demo. I mocked him pretty hard. Since he has never… Type 1 Diabetes: Is it a Life Sentence? Part 2 of 2 As I have mentioned, I get hate mail when I talk about diabetes using words like “reversal.” Traditional endocrinologists have convinced Type 1 diabetics that there is absolutely nothing you… Type 1 Diabetes: Is It a Life Sentence? Part 1 of 2 Never do I get more angry and defensive messages than when I write about Type 1 diabetes. (That’s okay—I’m going to talk about it anyway.) Diabetes costs the U.S. $174… Let me help your kids with an incentive to drink their green smoothies! Desiree Ward is catering our VIP class on April 7. We are very excited to explore 5 power nutrition habits, to help you get off your green-smoothie plateau and climb… Aloha from Hawaii! I’ve just returned from a heaven of pineapples and papaya, teaching on Maui and Oahu. Thank you so much to my friends there, the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii, and Down… Green Smoothies taking Utah Legislature by storm? On March 5, by invitation, I spoke to the spouses of the Utah State Legislature. Some of them are longtime GSG readers. Stan Lockhart, whose wife Becky is the Speaker… Expo West 2012: Here’s What I Think of 99% of “Health Food”, Part 5 of 5 Today I riff, on video, on what I think of the vast majority of the foods and marketing that comprise “natural foods.” I can’t even count how many times at… Expo West 2012: Fabio and I Talk About Whey Protein, Part 4 of 5 Fabio is one of the most famous male models of our generation. Now he sells whey protein powder. Everyone does! It’s a very high-margin product. Because profit is easy with… Expo West 2012…..the good and the bad in HEALTHY BARS, part 3 of 5 So you think Clif Bars are good for you? So did I, 10 or 15 years ago. So did my friend Dr. Craig Sommers, whom I see at Expo West… Expo West 2012: Learning about Genetically Modified Organisms in Our Food I met Grant Lundberg, principal and third generation in the Lundberg Family Farms Company. I sought him out and asked for an interview because he’s a leader in organizing against,… Expo West 2012! It’s bedlam. Expo West in Anaheim is one of the ten biggest trade shows in the world, of any kind, and the biggest “natural products” expo in the world. I’m blogging this… Become a modern-day hunter-gatherer! Dr. Wahls beats M.S. with nutrition! I love this TedTalk by Dr. Terry Wahls, M.D., great data and slides about how she reversed multiple sclerosis. She talks about how she was wheelchair-bound with MS and on…