Blog Search for: What’s in YOUR fridge? Runners up! Part 5 of 5 Susan Sorenson of Westminster, CO has another great “runner-up” fridge. Her husband’s cholesterol was high and rising, monitored by the cardiologist. Her husband said he couldn’t give up meat, but… What’s in YOUR fridge? Runners-up! Part 4 of 5 Linda Widicker in North Dakota tells me that in 2009, she weighed 300 lbs. and had diabetes, arthritis, depression and anxiety, chronic fatigue, and hypothyroidism. She learned about green smoothies,… What’s in YOUR fridge? Runners up! Part 3 of 5 Our very own GreenSmoothieGirl Coach (Doctor) Mariza Snyder inspires us that she’s stocking up for just her and her boyfriend Alex, in a small fridge–but look how full of great… What’s in YOUR fridge? WORST winner. Part 2 of 5 Alas, our friend Michael Randolph, from Kansas City, Missouri (a bachelor, no surprise), well, this fridge is just begging for some lovin’. We find in it, well, um, not much…. What’s in YOUR fridge? BEST winner. Part 1 of 5 I’ve seen my share of bachelor refrigerators, having been single for 5 years this August. It’s a sad state of affairs. I figure there are some fridges that are in… What’s in MY fridge, and YOURS! My daughter Emma was examining the contents of our fridges and said, “Mom, you should take a photo of what we eat, because it’s so pretty.” Good idea, Emma. Done…. Can Easter be Sugar-Free? As it turns out, you CAN do Easter without sugar. I love to make my kids baskets of gifts on Valentine’s Day and Easter. There are plastic eggs in these… Honest Abe, Cholera, and Fruits and Veggies I am reading Team of Rivals right now, the Pulitzer Prize-winning biography of Abraham Lincoln by the eminent historian Doris Kearns Goodwin. The book tells the story of the four… How I Beat My Sugar Addiction Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: I am trying to stop eating sugar, but am SO weak! I’ve been reading some recommended books, and trying to exercise willpower, and I still struggle. I’m curious… Mammography Not Improving Survival? Euro Cancer Travels Part 7 I met a woman named Karen from Dallas, at Hope 4 Cancer in Tijuana, where I studied last month. I interviewed Dr. Tony Jimenez, Dr. Xavier Curiel, and Dr. Carlo… My Friend Madeline Diagnosed with Breast Cancer: Euro Cancer Travels, Part 6 Coming home from studying at 5 holistic cancer treatment facilities in Europe, we were met by the mother of my long-time friend who traveled with me to run my camera…. The “Difficult Patient”: Euro Cancer Travels, Part 4 In my tour of alternatives to chemo and radiation, throughout Europe, I encountered Dr. Alexander Herzog. He’s a traditionally trained oncologist, and he does administer chemotherapy in his small hospital…