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Tori from Seattle Tells Me a Beautiful Story: Part 1 of 2

Robyn Openshaw - May 01, 2013 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Tori’s is one of the most moving stories I have read from a GreenSmoothieGirl reader. You know I’ve read hundreds, possibly thousands. This one is so very special.

I have thought about it all week. I think what touched me so deeply by her story is knowing how, by not putting sugar water in our gas tank (I’m being figurative), and putting premium fuel in instead, FAR more is affected than just disease states and energy.

Everybody knows you don’t put sugar water in the gas tank. No one has ever done so. Unless they are sabotaging someone ELSE and thereby risking going to jail.

After all, that car cost you $20k! Or $60k. We put in EXACTLY the fuel the manufacturer recommends. I do not even put REGULAR unleaded gas in my Lexus (let alone throw some Diet Coke in there). No way. Premium gas always. And I am vigilant about where I park it, so nobody’s door might mar the pretty, candy-apple red paint.

But look what we do to our bodies. Fry a dead chicken full of steroids and antibiotics in a vat of two-month-old grease, sprinkle it with salt and MSG, and wash it down with a Coke that has no actual food ingredient in it. And while we’re munching on that, we stop at a gas station and put PREMIUM fuel in the gas tank.

What’s wrong with this picture?

Is your body less valuable than a car? Can you buy another one, for any price?

Truly our whole lives are affected by our fuel. Every aspect. From our attitude and mood, to how we care for our home, to the way we are able to treat others and love them, to our ability to advance our professional careers and execute on goals.

Not to mention the more obvious effect on our clear, proven risk for cancer, multiple sclerosis and ALS, heart attacks and strokes, and obesity sidelining us in an armchair.

A variety of things affect our abilities to LIVE THE LIFE WE DREAM OF. But I believe that the #1 impediment, to living on a very high plane on all those issues, is the fuel we choose. Everything else builds on that foundation. I constantly meet doctors, coaches, fitness professionals, and regular people whose life experience validates that.

My next blog will be Tori’s story. I will tell it the best I can. It is based on a discussion we had in person (she later told me she was very nervous at the time)  and also includes quotes a more detailed email she later sent me.

It’s worth your attention.


Posted in: Health Concerns, Mind/Body Connection, Whole Food

7 thoughts on “Tori from Seattle Tells Me a Beautiful Story: Part 1 of 2”

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  1. Jo says:

    Hurry up part 2 of this story! That is a spot on analogy, the food I see people eating at work for lunch, I can’t believe they manage to function in the afternoon!

  2. Robbie says:

    Please read the book The Mood Cure by Julia Ross. It talks about 5htp which definitely works for depression.

  3. Gwen says:

    Where’s Tory’s story? There’s barely a mention of her on this page? C’mon now. No fair to tease!

  4. thegeeksmom says:

    I thought Tori’s story was going to be here. That’s what you said the link was. I’m confused. ;-(

  5. Jennifer says:

    “The Emotion Code” book by Bradley Nelson. Very non-toxic way of healing, not just depression.

  6. mshilaryd says:

    I’ve also conquered chronic bouts of depression with “Green” smoothies. My favorite ingredient is organic wheat grass juice, which i grow on my back deck for pennies. I also add some greenery from my hugely successful chickweed crop. I was able to wean myself off antipressants after just a few weeks.

  7. Sheila Caldwell says:

    WOW, great story. I also suffer with bi-polar and I’m working on not taking anti-depressants because they make me feel worse and very suicidal. I’ve realized that I’m not living, but merely existing. I really want to feel better and I try each and everyday, but it’s not easy. Pretty much, I’m always sad, I often feel like why am I here on this earth and struggle with what’s my purpose? So while on Facebook, I ran across Simple Green Smoothies and Green Smoothie Girl. I saw that you were talking about Green Smoothies and how important it was to implement green leafy greens into your diet. I’m from the South and was raised by my grandmother and we pretty much ate collards and turnips everyday. But now as I look back, I realized that all the nutrients were cooked away. So now I’m working on changing to a healthier diet, which I have within the past 2 months and drinking a green smoothie everyday. I don’t know how to feel, but I’m going to continue to find out. I so want to feel better and not take those drugs and I’ve pretty much have weened myself off. My psychiatric told me she was proud of what I’m accomplishing, but you know doctors, she still wants me to continue taking the anti-depressants. So thanks for what you’re doing, and I’m glad I found you and will continue to follow you. If you have any tips for me, please share!! If you would like more information on my journey, I’m here to answer any questions you may have.

    Thanks again!!
    Sheila C

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