Blog Search for: 7 Things You Need to Know About Sleep — Including, Do You Really Need 8 Hours? I Hope These Tips for Better Sleep Help You! Everybody knows sleep is critical. I’m going to give you some tips for better sleep about what the best research says… Top 11 Chia Health Benefits, and How I Use It Every Day So you’ve been reading about chia seed and wondering about chia health benefits—I know this, because I get lots of questions! Yep, I’m talking about the little black things… What’s The Best Way to Get Omegas? Fish Oil? Nooooo! Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are “essential” because our bodies do not produce them; we must get them from food on a regular basis. These fats, also called “Omegas,” are excellent… Do You Really Need Prebiotics? When it comes to digestive health, probiotics usually steal the show. And with good reason. Your gut bacteria are responsible for everything from hormone regulation1 to immune health2. But what about prebiotics?… How Digestive Enzymes Work–And Why You’re Probably Deficient This post has been reviewed for accuracy by Dr. Tim Jackson, DPT and functional medicine practitioner. Enzymes have everything to do with your health. Simply put, enzymes make things happen…. Everything You Need To Know About Growing Your Own Smoothie Greens Ever been right in the middle of making your daily green smoothie, when you suddenly realize you’ve run out of spinach – or your arugula has turned black and slimy… The Incredible Science Behind Sauna’s Effect On Your Immune System Let’s start with a trivia question: When is your immune system running at max capacity? Research confirms that your immune system’s performance peaks when your body temperature rises to 103-104… Why You Should Chew (Yes, Chew!) Your Green Smoothies This post has been reviewed for accuracy by Dr. Tim Jackson, DPT and functional medicine practitioner. With so many amazing benefits to drinking your greens, you probably feel pretty proud… 9 of the Best Spinach Smoothie Recipes — Easy, Delicious, and Healthy Spinach Smoothies Are Great Starter Smoothies — the Delicious Possibilities Are Endless! Spinach is a leafy green superfood that Popeye loved. He used it to overcome the greatest of obstacles…. Top 11 Greens to Use in Your Green Smoothies Green smoothies are a delicious and affordable way to get your daily requirements of fruits and vegetables, but what leafy greens you should add? Pretty much any kind of edible… 10 Green Smoothies for Immunity — Protect Yourself Naturally Whether you’re already making your way through a box of tissues or you want to keep your immune system’s defenses up before germs, viruses, or other pathogens come your way,… 10 Easy (& Yummy!) Green Smoothie Recipes Kids Of All Ages Will Love Healthy green smoothies are a quick and easy way to add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet, but getting your kids (or reluctant smoothie skeptics of any age) to…