Another Food Fad? Bone Broth!
Bone broth cafes are popping up everywhere, and my friend Dr. Kellyann just released her book, The Bone Broth Diet. So what do I think about it? Check out my new video.
Posted in: Green Smoothies, Videos, Whole Food
Bone broth cafes are popping up everywhere, and my friend Dr. Kellyann just released her book, The Bone Broth Diet. So what do I think about it? Check out my new video.
Posted in: Green Smoothies, Videos, Whole Food
A client/friend of mine lost the ability to digest fruits and vegetables when acutane destroyed her gut lining. She was wasting away when she first reach out to me. She was living in a literal famine and was dying from excess of hunger. One of the few things that would digest in her and not simply rot, was bone broth and a little flesh. This is the exact opposite of what I generally teach others, but in her condition it was vital. Through the mineralization that occurred in her gut, over time, from drinking lots of bone broth, during the past three years she has been slowly enabled to digest foods from each food group once again. She no longer needs flesh and animal bones, and does not use them anymore, but they were lifesaving to her for a number of years. Best!
Almost two years ago I was diagnosed with Scleroderma, an autoimmune disease. It was like overnight I was falling apart. I developed problems swallowing, GERDS, so tired, and lost 30 pounds in a very short time span. Besides taking horrible drugs I hired a naturopathic Doctor versed in this disease. Besides a lot of supplements I started making bone broth. I couldn’t get enough of it, drinking it constantly. I can’t say what has made a huge difference with how I feel, whether the supplements or meds….or the bone broth helped me, but I feel so much better. I’ve gained back 8 pounds, have more energy and overall feel better. Strange thing is since I’ve been feeling better I can’t stand the smell of bone broth any more. Tells me my body needed it, craved it, used it, doesn’t want or need it any more.
Thanks for your bone broth review.
I have been reading about Bone Broth for a few years.
Now since more people are getting on the bandwagon to health so to speak, I cannot find Organic pasture Beef bones.
I live near Yosemite, and live in Santa Monica. I have called All over the Usa for bones ,for two weeks, and nothing.
Whole foods in Santa Monica / Venice said they come in at 11am, by 12pm, there gone, and still not enough for all the people standing in line. They also will not hold them anymore.
Down the mountain from me at W.F. they do not even get them in, as I was told they go to the larger Although they are also getting calls from people that want Beef bones, and before they could not even give them away.
Called Health food stores, nobody gets Pasture bones in stock, and nobody knows where to buy them!
I called in the mountains, and there is nobody selling them, which I found odd!
That said I found someplace back east, that will sell me 10lbs for $99.99..
Now ,I do not mind paying, but I do Not like being Ripped off..
Any suggestion’s, would love to hear from you???
Take Care,
Have you tried US Wellness Meats? I have heard that they have a great selection of quality meats & bones.
I have not tried it myself, as I do not live in the USA.
I get mine from our local farmer’s market. I paid $3 for a large knuckle bone today. I’m in upstate NY where there are quite a few farms that raise grass-fed organic meats. I also buy a whole chicken directly from a local, organic farm and use the carcass to make broth. Maybe try contacting local organic farms directly or visiting the farmer’s market.
Robyn, will you refresh my memory! I saw a video (and I thought it was yours)–It was a woman who decided to add a cup of bone broth a day to her diet. I am 99% sure it was you, but I can’t find that blog post anywhere. And then a second video, another woman (again I thought it was you) spoke about organic bone broth you can buy online. Can’t find that one either. The only other one I occasionally watch is Food Babe, and I don’t think I saw it there. If you know where these videos are, will you point me in the right direction? Thanks! Cindy
I am not sure quite what is wrong with my brain. (Yes I do….meds). Until 2007 I had a steel-trap mind. Frank and I were talking about how bad my memory has gotten in just the last month or two, and we both separately came up with the same number–it seems that my memory has dropped by at least 50%. I wake up in the morning and ask Frank what day of the week it is. I can’t remember. Oh Robyn, I wish I had known you back in 2007 when out of pure ignorance I took my first long-term pharmaceutical. I was afraid to take it (rightfully so), and I had always been a natural health person, looking for natural cures rather than going to see a doctor.
You would have given me the right answer, probably told me how to fix candida, and saved me 8 years of isolation and misery. But I called a friend in the medical world–a friend from high school—and he said it was completely safe to take. Well, at least I know you now. I saw when I watched it this time that I think you are trying bone broth. I am too. I just signed up for Dr. Axe’s program as well. I do believe I will be healed. I was just hoping it wouldn’t be so long and hard!
what treat ment did you do to get rid of candida?
Sara, short answer is hard ;)…. I am healed now, and it wasn’t the candida treatment that did it for me. However, the very best candida plan I’ve ever found is at Dr. McComb’s candida plan, done in entirety, I believe will cure (for good) most candida. At the time I found his plan, my condition had deteriorated so far that I wasn’t able to benefit from it. Sort of like cancer. More cure-able at stage 1 than at stage 4/terminal/inoperable.
I found the most instrumental thing was to understand and SEE candida…how it morphs from the yeast form to the fungal form. Phenomenal. It’s the “science behind candida by Dr. Jeff McCombs. It’s 11 parts. All really good. Parts 4-5 are the really amazing microscopic videos of candida. Here is the link:
Feel free to email me directly at iamcindymay @…. or have a look at my facebook page (my posts are public) for the rest of the story or with any questions. I’m all about helping anyone out of the hideous-ness of candida 😉
Praying for you. It was Jesus’ supernatural healing that set me free. Otherwise I would have died. There are a lot of things I could have done earlier to make it easier, faster, quicker and a lot less expensive! He loves you and has no favorites, and is always not only able but also WILLING to heal, instantly. He is all love and no condemnation or judgment. Mercy triumphs over judgment. And he is all mercy, love, compassion and grace. Good stuff. <3