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Angie Starts the Salad Club at Work!

Robyn Openshaw - Jun 13, 2012 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Here’s a letter I just got from Angela in California. She’s a renegade and a leader, and I love what she did at her office! I think you will, too.

Dear GreenSmoothieGirl,

I wanted to write you and tell you how you have really changed my life and in turn the lives of many others. I read Victoria Boutenko’s “Green for Life” three years ago. I devoured it and soon was ready to begin my smoothie endeavor. I purchased a Vitamix and started making my green smoothies. I eventually fell off and stopped making them, but when I was ready to hop back on I searched the internet for more recipes. I then discovered your website. I became obsessed to put it mildly. I was ready to take on all the challenges and changes you wrote about. Your 12 Steps to Whole Foods Course was a Christmas present to me from my husband, and I was off!

I am 27 years old and didn’t have any chronic illnesses or auto-immune diseases, but I wanted to make sure it stayed that way. I became serious about my health and what I put into my body. I stopped drinking diet soda (tough one). I dumped all refined sugar, white flour, white pasta, white rice, bottles of corn syrup (yuck), canola oil, vegetable oil, etc.

Ang and Chris

In came the whole wheat flour, spelt, coconut sugar, coconut oil and quinoa! I started only cooking vegetarian meals at home, and my husband has been wonderful in accepting all the changes that were happening overnight. (He knows that is how I work!)

I became known as the witch-doctor at work, drinking my weird green drink, carrying around my pink salt, using gritty milk in a mason jar on my granola. Well, you are right! Soon people were asking questions, why is dairy bad? What should I eat when I go out to lunch? What’s kin-o-ah (quinoa)?

Soon others at work were starting to make little changes too. Seeing these changes and that people actually wanted to be healthy (at least part time), I started a salad club. It began with about 15 members (all female plus my husband, who works with me).

People would bring in certain ingredients for the week and all the club members could make salads all week long.

People started eating 3-5 salads a week instead of going and getting the fast food they usually did. As the weeks went on people would ask what salad club was about and soon would join in. I am proud to say the club now has about 25 members and 5 are men. People who poked fun, joined the fun!

I wanted to share that one person can make a huge difference. From what I learned from you, and a little time and effort I feel I have made a difference in the lives of others. I will continue to spread and share everything I learn about good health and nutrition, and I am willing to teach as long as people want to listen.

Thank you Robyn for being my Health Hero!

PS I have also taken on the sugar bet with a co-worker, we are starting with 1 month. She initiated it too, and I am not one to back down from a challenge.

Angela Merchant

Posted in: 12 Steps To Whole Food, Green Smoothies, Whole Food

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