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What to do with my extra greens??

Robyn Openshaw - Oct 11, 2011 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: I bought some spinach at Costco and when I got home, I saw it was about to go bad. So I blended it up and froze it in 4 Tupperware containers. Is that okay, or does it ruin the nutrition?

Answer: Sure, that’s okay. Even slightly oxidized, two-days-refrigerated, or frozen-then-thawed greens, are better than most anything ELSE you might choose to eat on any given day. I’m a big fan of not letting food go to waste.

Next time, consider two ideas that can simplify your life a bit. You might freeze the blended greens in ice cube trays. Then keep the frozen “green cubes” in a Ziploc freezer bag to blend with fruit and water, for an easy, quick green smoothie that you don’t have to defrost, like you do your Tupperware portions. Or you can just freeze the raw spinach in baggies for later, avoiding any second step. Before you completely zip off the bag, stick a straw in it and suck out the air—now the bag will take up minimal space in your freezer.

Posted in: Whole Food

6 thoughts on “What to do with my extra greens??”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I just received your smoothie book and 101 lunch ideas. I’m allergic to cashews. what could I substitute instead For the recipes that call for cashews? Especially for Your pink smoothie. Thank you!

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Addie, easy! I substitute sesame seeds, pine nuts, or sometimes even sunflower seeds soaked overnight, which are highly nutritious–and the first taste with the sprouted sunflower seeds tastes a little different and then it’s good! Give it a week and see if you don’t get addicted and want to have it every day. Everyone who works for GSG does.

  2. Anonymous says:

    This morning i put some alfalfa sprouts in my smoothie. Afterwards i was reading in the “Look inside” feature in amazon, of the book “Nourishing Traditions” by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig. They said to NEVER sprout alfalfa. That alfalfa seeds contain an amino acid called canavanine that can be toxic to humans. That it inhibits the immune system and can cause lupus. Now, I am worried. Do you sprout alfalfa? Should I through these sprouts away??

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Peggy, I believe I wrote about this in 12 Steps to Whole Foods. I read that by Sally and believed it until i studied it in more depth. I ate it myself daily for 12 years straight.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’ve heard that it’s possible to freeze watermelon and use it later in drinks or smoothies. Is this true?

    And is it okay to leave the seeds in there too, to blend them into the smoothie, as well?

  4. Rose, yep and yep! Another fun thing to do with watermelon is dehydrate it. Cut it into 1/4″ slices, cut off the rind, and dehydrate until it’s like fruit leather. My kids call it watermelon candy.

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