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What I Did About My Skin Cancer

Robyn Openshaw - Aug 28, 2015 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

A skin cancer treatment no dermatologist will tell you about!

I was in a TV studio last week filming a segment about green smoothies, and the ladies who did the segment before me were dermatologists along with a company selling skincare products. When I told them this story . . . well, let’s just say I received the Look of Death. “Disapproval” would be a word far too mild.

They were less than pleased that I didn’t think spraying yourself with chemicals was helpful to your health. (This video talks about what kind of sunscreen I DO use if I have to be out too long.)

Disclaimer: please consult with a trusted healthcare professional before you make any decisions for yourself. I do not give health care advice. This is my story and I do not suggest you do what I did. It’s not for everyone. You should, however, know your options, the pros and cons.

To Your Health!

Robyn Openshaw

Posted in: Detox

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