What I Did About My Skin Cancer
A skin cancer treatment no dermatologist will tell you about!
I was in a TV studio last week filming a segment about green smoothies, and the ladies who did the segment before me were dermatologists along with a company selling skincare products. When I told them this story . . . well, let’s just say I received the Look of Death. “Disapproval” would be a word far too mild.
They were less than pleased that I didn’t think spraying yourself with chemicals was helpful to your health. (This video talks about what kind of sunscreen I DO use if I have to be out too long.)
Disclaimer: please consult with a trusted healthcare professional before you make any decisions for yourself. I do not give health care advice. This is my story and I do not suggest you do what I did. It’s not for everyone. You should, however, know your options, the pros and cons.
To Your Health!
Robyn Openshaw
Posted in: Detox
Dragons Blood looks like tincture of Bloodroot. And Bloodroot got rid a thousands of skin tags around my neck, along with Hydrogen peroxide spray…and you wait and roll off the dead skin with your hand a little at a time….
Oh ya, and Black Salve looks like pine Tar extract…great shampoo available in the USA…
good to know. for the keloid scar i have from twice burning off my squamous cell skin cancer with the black salve. i appreciate this tip!
Hi Robyn, thanks for the info. I have decided to try this and started 3 days ago. I have one of those precancerous growths on my nose. Well, it has formed quite a big escharo (?) and I am in quite a bit of discomfort. Should I continue? I am feeling a bit nervous that it is going to take a huge chunk out of my nose… Please could you reassure me… How long does it normally take for this to heal? Thanks again!
Can u go online to buy black salve? Can u get the dragon blood from health food stores ?
Hi Robyn, In your video you say that black salve cannot be purchased in the US. However, a brief search online indicates numerous US sources. Are you saying the US-sourced products are not the same as the ones purchased elsewhere??
There are US products now, but I’ve stuck with Alpha Omega/Herb Healers. They’re in Equador. I trust them far more than I trust what comes out of the states. 🙂 Cindy
What brand of black salve did you use? I see many on Amazon.com but I don’t know which one to get. Can you make it yourself?
I’ve been looking for a good melanoma surgery option. I’m glad you talked about the black salve and how it made the skin cancer fall out. I’m going to have to talk to a good melanoma surgery option and talk to my dermatologist!
There’s a great black salve group on Facebook. They would help you navigate your way with your dermatologist, and answer your questions.
What is the facebook group called and is there a way I can speak to you directly?
I replied to you susan, but I don’t see it here on Robyn’s page. I’m on a sabbatical from all things digital–needed to hop off the world and take time for things I’m working on. If you would text me (any time, phone is off when not in use), and leave as little or as much info as you would like, that would be great. We can go from there…. 623.203.1700 (MST right now).
I’m excited to try this. I am of the same mind… not wanting to have one more burning or cutting done on my face by the dermatologist. Thank you.
Totally agree with your thoughts on sun blocks and the sun. Also feel that all the chemicals that we wash ourselves and our hair with play a big part in the increase of skin cancer rates.
Loved your video and LOVE the way you think greensmoothiegirl!
Keep up your courageous work of truth telling.