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Victoria Boutenko’s Green Smoothie Song–and me, giving her props

Robyn Openshaw - Dec 22, 2010 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

When my book The Green Smoothies Diet came out, last year, I got an email saying, “Who do you think you are? Victoria Boutenko invented the green smoothie! You owe her some credit!”

In fact, I give V. Boutenko, one of my heroes, credit every single time I speak. (Back me up here, if you’ve been to my classes?) Also I give her credit in my books. I love her, own every one of her book and her kids’ book, too. I want to give her a shout-out here, as I hear she is going through a very trying time because of her divorce.

Here is a goofy, sweet YouTube video she and her daughter Valya did, where she sings a song about green smoothies. I laughed all the way through it. (Maybe since I’ve been accused of being her lackey, I’ll do a song too—but it’ll be all edgy and rap):

Victoria, please know I think you’re so cute for doing that video. Thanks for your impressive and tireless efforts to educate people about the benefits of a raw, plant-based diet.

Here’s a video I made to give you the credit you deserve. Victoras Kulvinskas and others like Ann Wigmore may have “invented” ideas decades ago that led to the green smoothie concept. But, for the record, I think you’re a pioneer, and today I want to say, thank you and God bless you through this difficult time in your life.

Posted in: Green Smoothies, Videos

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