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the raw food diet and swine flu

Robyn Openshaw - Jul 25, 2009 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

I hope you’re undertaking a raw food diet while it’s in season?This is the time of year your body wants to cleanse.If you do, you have much lower risk of getting ill this winter, because you’ll be going into that higher-risk time much cleaner and stronger.And that’s important as we face Round 2 of the swine flu possibly this fall.

My friend and tenant, Jean, who lives in my basement and with whom I spend a lot of time, had the swine flu and is still recovering two weeks later.She had to cancel an airline trip, she missed a lot of work, and she coughed for two hours every night.My 15-year old son had it, too.For him (a daily green smoothie drinker), it lasted two days, and besides fever and chills at night, he was up doing his summer school work during the day and rafted the Provo River with us the third day.(We used no drugs to treat his illness.We did use Vitamin C, and colloidal silver.)

My children have been in California for a week with their father and his fiancé, at the family reunion.My other three children were exposed to swine flu and I’m not there with my remedies.I can’t even reach them, as they are camping in the mountains.If I didn’t know that before they went to the reunion (where the traditional Standard American Diet will prevail), they had excellent nutrition, I’d be panicked.Every single time they go to their dad’s family reunions, they puke their guts up because they’re not used to eating like that. When your body says, “NO THANKS!” it’s not a sign of weakness–it’s a sign of strength! I’ll keep you posted on whether or not that happened this time.

I have told you before that eating a clean diet and drinking lots of alkaline water is the best prevention for the swine flu.It’s not that you can’t possibly catch any virus.It’s that your immune system isn’t constantly fighting and weakened by toxic fuel, so it’ll be much more likely to serve you well when you need it.

Are you considering a higher commitment to a raw food diet?Now’s the time!

Posted in: Gardening, Relationships, Whole Food

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