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Texas Tour, Amy’s Story: My Husband’s Rashy Split Lips

Robyn Openshaw - Nov 02, 2011 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Amy was our key volunteer organizing our Austin, Texas event. I felt terrible that somehow I did not get to talk with her, as I arrived only 10 mins. before the event.  After the event, Amy didn’t have time to wait in line and I never actually met her. I wrote her an email to thank her for all her efforts and tell her we are sending a present, and this is what she wrote back:

Almost four years ago my husband ran into a health issue that “regular” doctors couldn’t help him with.

Cracked, Split Lips And Painful Dry Rash Around Mouth

It started with only a small part of his lips and spread to both his lips and the area around them over the next couple of years, while we tried everything that we could think of and everything the doctors said to do. It got to be so that he couldn’t laugh or smile, and he was so embarrassed to be in public.

He is a youth pastor, so having to speak in front of people often is a part of his job. We went to 13 specialists. They kept sending us on to other people. They got angry or annoyed with me when I told them everything we had tried, asked questions, and tried to understand.

I kept asking, “But what’s the problem?! How can we keep this from coming back? Isn’t this just masking the symptoms?” I got so tired of just another prescription for some steroid that I knew could be causing other problems. The final straw was on a second visit to a doctor who was apparently pleased with my husband’s “progress”, and we were horrified. He was the farthest from well he had ever been. The doctor was writing him another steroid prescription refill, and we said no thank you. I told him we already tried that and the solution was only as lasting as the end of the prescription.

[Related: How To Recover From The Side Effects Of Predisone And Other Corticosteroids]

We didn’t know what else to do, but we knew that any other answer was better than another prescription. I became obsessed with reading any kind of nutrition information I could get my hands on, became best friends with health food store workers, and my husband was willing to try anything! I couldn’t believe the amount of information available.

I called my grandmother who has been making me crazy morning drinks when I visited her my whole life and the people I knew from my church that didn’t wear regular deodorant and told me one time they would give me a kefir starter before I knew what that was! Luckily, they were so excited to share everything they knew.

We went to a homeopathic doctor they recommended. The doctor was not frustrated by my questions, and when I asked for suggestions on what to study the doctor gave me!

I was so encouraged by what a regular person you are. I thought, “maybe I don’t have to be a social outcast!” I am so thankful for you. I would never have the courage to try things, but following your blog and watching all your videos makes me think I can do anything! I had so much information whirling around in my brain but no idea what to do with it or where to begin. You gave me things to DO!

When we first started making all our dietary changes I tried to lay low because I didn’t want people to think I was weird, but you helped me to see that that was doing them a terrible injustice. I love what good nutrition has done for my life and the people I love most! I want everyone to know that they can be healthy and strong.

4 Years of Split, Rashy Lips Solved

My husband’s lips are well. Our homeopathic doctor treated him for a mineral deficiency, using lots of greens, and a change in diet and nutrition. We saw results within 2 weeks, he was completely well in 2 months. I couldn’t believe it, after four years of battling! Despite the pain and misery for my husband, we are so thankful for his illness.   It made us take responsibility for our own health and forced us to educate ourselves and learn to listen to our bodies in a way that we may not have otherwise.

I have also taken your advice, and I spread the good news with everyone I can. I share my green smoothies even with my students (I teach art at a small elementary school). One time I told a 4th grader that the MSG in his Cheetos were a neurotoxin. I explained to him what it was, and the next day he told me he asked his mom if he could throw their Cheetos away. He wanted to taste my green smoothie!

Side Benefits: Mom Lost 40 Pounds With Green Smoothies

I have 6 siblings and my mom, and all but 2 of my brothers drink green smoothies regularly now. My mom has struggled with weight loss all of my life. She has lost about 40 pounds and is still losing! She felt inspired by your class [in Austin] to do a green smoothie cleanse for a week!

I recently started taking correspondence courses at a natural school of medicine to get my CNC (certified nutritional counseling). Thank you so much for the work that you do and for sharing your life with so many people! You have helped to make my family’s life so much better!

Editor’s note: This email was edited for clarity, with headers and links added.

Posted in: Green Smoothies, Health Concerns, Holistic Care

6 thoughts on “Texas Tour, Amy’s Story: My Husband’s Rashy Split Lips”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    That part about the Cheetos made me cry. We think it’s too hard to teach our kids this stuff when really it all makes perfect sense to them. What doesn’t make sense is why we keep feeding it to them! Our kids aren’t the problem we are.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Amy, thank you for such an inspirational story! And thank you for all you did to make the Green Smoothie Girl class in Austin such a tremendous success. You were a key player in bringing Robyn to Austin and have touched many lives with your service and now your story. Wow!

  3. “I had so much information whirling around in my brain but no idea what to do with it or where to begin. You gave me things to DO!”

    I can so relate to you Amy! It can be overwhelming, especially when you have a purpose (your husband) driving you. Is your homeopath an N.D.? If so would you mind sharing his/her name so I can recommend to my brother. We have been utilizing homeopathy for the whole family for the past few years (about as long as I have been following GSG) with much success for my kids eczema and asthma. You can message me at I appreciate it.

    Robyn I sure wish you would make it out to the east coast at some point 🙂

  4. Anonymous says:

    I remember you saying that the Ultimate Minerals could help with insomnia…..I’m having a hard time finding that information online and wondering if i was wrong in hearing that THAT product was the one that helps with that. If it is the right one, could you or someone tell me how much you take a day? I’d love to be able to sleep naturally…thank you!!

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Tina, you heard me correctly. It’s a matter of getting the full panoply of minerals in your brain and muscles right before bed. I put a capful in water right before bed. I also do that when I wake up. It’s a great thing to take fulvic acid complex with any supplements you might use, because it’s a cell transporter and helps you make full use of nutrition.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Wow, thanks so much for the quick response! I will give it a shot…. 🙂 Stocking up on my Ultimate Minerals now! You are a wealth of information, much thanks to you!

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